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keisuke.akira's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
  • California, USA
17 votes

What is meant by the term "computational basis"?

9 votes

What's the purpose of phases in quantum mechanics?

9 votes

Expected value of a Haar random quantum state multiplied by a unitary

8 votes

If all quantum gates must be unitary, what about measurement?

6 votes

Grover's Algorithm on a Database with more than 50% matching entries

6 votes

Does 1 qubit correspond to 2 bits?

6 votes

Can SWAP operators change trace of a product state?

6 votes

How close or far apart are the distributions generated by two Haar random states?

5 votes

What does the adjoint of a channel represent physically?

5 votes

Is there a lower bound on the average diamond norm of two uniformly random unitaries U1 and U1 of dimension D that are sampled from haar measure?

4 votes

How do the probabilities of each state change after a transformation of a quantum gate?

4 votes

Can you encode two values in a single qubit state, say its phase and orientation?

4 votes

Why do we divide by $\sqrt2$ in the qubit states $\lvert\pm\rangle=\frac{1}{\sqrt2}(\lvert0\rangle\pm\lvert1\rangle)$?

4 votes

Prove that $A\preceq B$ implies $A=\Psi(B)$ for some channel $\Psi$

4 votes

How do we perform a measurement of an arbitrary 1-qubit quantum state in any arbitrary orientation?

4 votes

What's the idea behind the unitary freedom of ensemble decompositions for density matrices?

4 votes

On the distribution of the fidelity of a random product state with an arbitrary many-qubit state

4 votes

Depolarization of density operator with zeros in diagonal

3 votes

How can the Holevo bound be used to show that $n$ qubits cannot transmit more than $n$ classical bits?

3 votes

How can I find a quantum channel connecting two arbitrary quantum states?

3 votes

In shadow tomography, how is the state reconstructed from its shadows?

3 votes

What is the set of all functions from ℤ to ℤ?

3 votes

Relation between Wigner quasi-probability distribution and statistical second-moment

3 votes

What experiments can distinguish between mixed and pure states?

3 votes

Can we say that an $n$-qubit system is entangled if at least one basis vector is missing?

3 votes

Is the trace norm monotone with respect to quantum operations?

2 votes

Confusion over HSW theorem depicted in Nielsen and Chuang

2 votes

Prove that the depolarizing channel is completely positive

2 votes

Algorithm to find stabilizer states

2 votes

Can a Kraus representation act as the identity on any operator?