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How to build and visualize circuit from matrix?

In paper Efficient quantum algorithm for solving travelling salesman problem: An IBM quantum experience, the authors use gate $U_j$ and its decomposition $$ U_j = \begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{e}^{ia} &...
Pritam Sinha's user avatar
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How can I simulate the Avg CNOT Error on IBMQ Backends?

I want to know exactly how to estimate the Avg CNOT Error rate for IBMQ Backends? For instance, I tried to estimate the Avg CNOT Error rate for Belem Backend; I randomly prepared the 00,01,10,11 ...
Younghun Kim's user avatar
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Device Repetition Rate on Melbourne

I've been receiving "Circuit runtime is greater than the device repetition rate [8020]" errors when running a relatively simple circuit on ibmq_16_Melbourne, but have had no issues ...
Xavier McCaig's user avatar
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Difference in length of RNG implementation using same circuit structure but different sizes

parth's user avatar
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Generate a random bit sequence of 512 bits [duplicate]

How can I generate a random bit sequence of 512 bits on IBM Q experience using 3 or 5 qubits? Putting a hadammard gate and measuring would only give me smaller bit sequence due to limitation in number ...
parth's user avatar
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Error associated with HTTPSConnectionPool

How can I solve this situation? I'm using the IBMQX2 chip. When I run my simulation some circuits are executed and the following WARNING message is displayed: ...
Marcelo's user avatar
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Problem with code in 'Learning quantum computation using qiskit

I've started learning quantum computing using 'Learn quantum computation using qiskit', and I've stumbled upon what I think is a bug in the code in chapter 1.3: Representing Qubit States when I ...
BigFatKitty Meow's user avatar
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How can I find the most suitable IBMQ provider for my location? [duplicate]

I have been trying to run my code on IBM's quantum computers, so I used the following commands to associate a quantum computer to the component qcomp: ...
Mamamama's user avatar
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Could someone give an example of this pic?

This is a picture from Wiki( Can someone give me a simple example by using two qubits?
WilliamYang's user avatar
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Get the error of basis gates programmatically

I want to get the error rates of the basis gates of a backend. Is there a function that can achieve this functionality? For example, I want the error rates of the basis gates rx, cx of ibmq_mumbai ...
Amey Meher's user avatar
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How can one obtain all calibration data which is needed to plot error_map of the ibm backend from few month ago?

I want to plot the error map of an IBM Quantum backend from the calibration data I saved a month ago. The saved file just contain qubit properties and to plot error map I would need all information ...
Shil S's user avatar
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Design a full adder to add two 4-bits integer and measuring on 4 quantum states

I am trying to implement a full adder with minimum of 8 qubits to add two 4 bit integers. Integer 1 will be added on q[0-3] while integer 2 will be added on q[4-7]. The output will be measured on q[0-...
Bob's user avatar
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In qiskit, how to consider only readings conditioned to some measurement outcome?

In a five qubit (q0, q1, q2, q3 and q4) quantum circuit, I need to consider only those measurement readings of q0, q1 and q2 for which q3 and q4 measures 0. More specifically, I am trying to implement ...
User3912's user avatar
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Phase estimation of the Pauli-Y matrix

I'm trying to use the phase estimation algorithm to extract the eigen value for both eigen vectors of the Pauli-Y matrix using the ibm quantum experiance. So far I have this for the possitive state |+&...
Charlie Plath's user avatar
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Do not understand error in if-else section

I have tried to build a circuit for encryption. One function is: ...
Arpita's user avatar
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How can I get real hardware resources for IBM Quantum locally?

When I try to connect to ibm real quantum hardware locally, from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService service = QiskitRuntimeService() I got the ...
Mistico013's user avatar
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Implement muti-qubit controlled gate with 2 Z/X gates

This paper simulates duality mode to solve sudoku puzzles. The last diagram in the paper (shown below) illustrates multi-qubit controlled gates with two Z/X gates. I wonder if Qiskit can directly ...
Yili's user avatar
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Number of qubits does not match the number of qubits of the observable

I have to compute $\langle\psi_1(\theta)|H_1|\psi_1(\theta)\rangle$ where $$H_1 = X_1Z_2 +3Y_0Y_4$$ ...
Amey Meher's user avatar
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Extracting results from a job when it is in a json form

I have downloaded a job from the COMPOSER JOBS but I get a folder containing three files. 632867a95ccea778be9446fb-info.json 632867a95ccea778be9446fb-input.json 632867a95ccea778be9446fb-output.json ...
rabah hacene benaissa's user avatar
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Why after breaking the entanglement does the phase disk in the second qbit not match the result?

I am new in IBM composer quantum and I have a doubt. I have the next circuit After reinitializing q0 and reading it. (breaking entanglement) The phase disk for qubit q1 says that 100% is 0, but the ...
Gustavo Policella's user avatar
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How to get statevector of qubits after running quantum circuits on IBMQ real hardware to calculate the fidelity of all qubits individually?

Is it possible to get the statevector while running quantum circuits on IBMQ real hardware? If getting the statevector is not possible can I still calculate the fidelity of a qubit somehow?. What I ...
Masab Iqbal's user avatar
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Hadamard on first qubit for two qubit state doesn't output what it should on Qiskit

I'm using python qiskit==0.36.2. The following code: ...
user3804691's user avatar
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How to run Quantum Instance into ibmq_qasm_simulator

I have tried to run Shor's algorithm using IBM high performance simulator. I am currently using QuantumInstance to factorize a number. The code is provided below: <...
AFOEK's user avatar
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How to multiply two vectors (kets) in qiskit?

Hi does anyone know how i could write a program to get the product of something like |1>|0>|0>?
Rahman Turtle's user avatar
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Hadamard cascade

Anyone of you can explain (with mathematical steps) me this circuit: I do not understand why the first qubit phase (as show on IBM composer) is influenced by the second. More precisely: In circuit ...
Curiosity's user avatar
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How to execute a qiskit circuit from strangeworks hub? [closed]

I would like to execute a circuit in the strangeworks hub on IBM's "ibm_nairobi" system. Could someone just please send me a general layout of execute and provide a command for stangeworks ...
Luqman khan's user avatar
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This is a question about IBM quantum circuit used to generate the quantum cheque state

I'm learning about quantum cheque. And I read "Experimental realization of quantum cheque using a five-qubit quantum computer" which is written by Bikash K. Behera ,Anindita Banerjee and ...
Murako's user avatar
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What are the runtimes of the different modes of qiskit's mcx?

Qiskit's mcx has four different modes: 'noancilla': Requires 0 ancilla qubits. 'recursion': Requires 1 ancilla qubit if more than 4 controls are used, otherwise 0. 'v-chain': Requires 2 less ancillas ...
Dani007's user avatar
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Handle Qiskit Exception while Loading IBMQ Account using Streamlit

I'm trying to build a simple web app for generating random numbers using IBMQ (Qiskit) and Streamlit. However, if there is no IBMQ saved account it should wait for the user to enter the API token and ...
Shadab Hussain's user avatar
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Error while trying to execute the Quantum Circuits in IBMQ

I have been trying to execute the quantum circuit in the backend of the IBM 16 qubit Melbourne machine. I end up getting ...
Monica's user avatar
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Comparing QSVM & Classic SVM on BigData. Quantum Supremacy

I work on comparing QSVM and Classic SVM (SKlearnSVM) with using Qiskit. I have to show quantum supremacy at 400000-500000 samples but I don't get good results. I have problem with long time training ...
Kirill's user avatar
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JSONDecodeError with

I'm trying to follow tutorial on pulse simulation described in The generated PulseQobj is well executed with AER simulator, but it throws JSONDecodeError when using real backends (ex. ibmq-...
Jin's user avatar
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Syndrome showing unexpected results for the [5,1,3] QEC code in qiskit

I have used the encoding procedure mentioned on page 35 of for the [5,1,3] code and then built the circuit for measuring the stabilizers (XZZXI, IXZZX, XIXZZ,...
Pingal Pratyush Nath's user avatar
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Implementing block of gates at different times in a same qiskit program

I am implementing an Ising chain over 8 qubits. It involves pair-wise CNOT between all the qubits. In the first time step, I am doing CNOTs between qubits 0 and 1, 2 and 3, 4 and 5, and 6 and 7. In ...
SHASHANK RANU's user avatar
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Grover oracle result: vectors (0,1) & (0,1) => two Hadamards => product of two H results => CZ = (.5, .-5, -.5, -.5)

According to the Grover's algorithm section in the IBM Quantum Experience, if I have two qubits in the "one" state (vectors (0,1) and (0,1)), and I apply a Hadamard gate to each of them, and then ...
James Arneberg's user avatar
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How to control the qubits in IBMQ

I am trying to perform OTOC for my 7 qubit protocol. I need to carefully control and use only 7 qubits but after making measurement in the 16 qubit Melbourne system (ibmq_16_melbourne) my protocol ...
Pralekh Dubey's user avatar
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QISKit Connection

I ve beeen trying to use the qiskit package from spyder IDE inisde anaconda (Python version 3.7) but when i try to acces my account I get the following error: ...
Theo depastas's user avatar
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Find the Q-Experiment tutorial for beginner

Where I can find the previous Quantum-Experiment tutorial for beginners? (the one that was under
user9371's user avatar
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RuntimeJobFailureError: 'Unable to retrieve job result. Error code 1520; The instruction cost per qubit exceeds the system limit

I want to find two operands of multiplication result of 180. In another word, finding integer factors of 180. I'm using ...
Muhammad Ikhwan Perwira's user avatar
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Does anyone have an idea about the execution power of IBM summit for VQE? I'd appreciate sources of papers as well for supercomputer execution

I'm trying to find the execution power of VQE in super computer and I want to know the factors of execution such as iterations, shots, convergence, etc. Please help me and also, I'd appreciate if ...
InnocentLlama's user avatar
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Run Qiskit Finance Tutorial on IBMQ backend

I tried to implement the qiskit example for portfolio optimization and it works as described. However I am not able to change the backend to one of the IBMQ machines - and it's not clear to me if this ...
Jure Zakotnik's user avatar
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How to calculate the state vector of a circuit using sampler().run()

I run a circuit using: jobCircuit = Sampler(backend).run(circuit) resultCircuit = jobCircuit.result() How can I access to a state vector of the circuit? I tried ...
alejandra's user avatar
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How the shots belonging to the same job are scheduled to run on IBM quantum devices?

How the shots belonging to the same job are scheduled to run on IBM quantum devices? Suppose my job has 1000 shots. Will all shots be executed in series, or is it possible they will be interleaved ...
Radu M.'s user avatar
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IBM quantum composer possible bug?(state amplitudes of quantum circuit)

I have this quantum circuit: and from the IBM quantum composer I get this state amplitudes: I wanted to flip the target qubit and keep only its pure state however this is not what I am getting.I am ...
Root Groves's user avatar
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Frequency of qubits in qiskit simulators

I am trying to study the effect of dynamical decoupling sequences (Hahn Echo and CPMG) using qiskit's qasm_simulator with an added noise model from ...
Neelesh Vij's user avatar
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Question Related to the Qiskit Statevector_simulator, which returns the probability in a mixed form each time

""" ...
AP110's user avatar
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BOBYQA optimizer IndexError

I'm trying to implement BOBYQA optimizer for my VQE job. Though, I'm facing the below issue. Can anyone help in pointing out what the actual cause of this issue is and how to solve this: ...
Amey Meher's user avatar
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How to use more than 3 classical registers in a single quantum circuit in Qiskit without getting error: not enough memory slots?

I'm trying to run a quantum circuit on qasm simulator which has more than 3 classical registers. It gives error when I try to execute it. The circuit looks ...
Devesh's user avatar
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Difference between qiskit SPSA optimize and minimize in runtime program

I use this tutorial with pennylane-qiskit.vqe_runtime_runner to familiarize myself with qiskit runtime using pennylane. Thereby, I wonder: What is the difference between qiskit.algorithms.optimizers....
qcabepsilon's user avatar
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IBM Quantum Lab - Server unavailable or unreachable. Would you like to restart?

In the following circuit, I want to perform tomography on the qubits 0,1,2,3 after qubits 4,5,6,7,8,9 are measured. I run the circuit using with measurement gates on qubits 4,5,6,7,8,9 with the ...
Yash Sharma's user avatar