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Unanswered Questions

140 questions with no answers
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How to do a POVM measurement of a quantum state in IBM's Quantum Composer?

I'm new to IBM, so I'm still figuring things out. I want to make a POVM measurement of a quantum state for state discrimination purposes. In other words I want a measurement that has three outcomes: A:...
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Is qiskit documentation about determining $|0\rangle$ and $|1\rangle$ incorrect?

I'm using pi-pulse pulses on qubit Armonk for determining 0 and 1 by Machine Learning. But when I run the code from I get ...
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Length / transpilation issues with Grover's algorithm

I would like to discuss the discrepancies between what we see in the simulator versus what we see in the actual running of the code on any IBMQ machine for any qubits at 5 or above. I am doing a final ...
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What is the buffer time between gates of the ibmq_essex in nanoseconds?

This is a question that I asked on Qiskit ignis section of slack, with a very interesting answer by A Kapila, but I also need to get a short answer in nanoseconds. I want to evaluate decoherence in ...
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Post-selection in QASM

In some quantum algorithms (for example HHL or quantum machine learning algorithms) an ancilla qubit(s) is measured firstly and based on result of the measurement other qubit(s) are measured or not. ...
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What Are The Most Promising Real-World Applications For Quantum Machine Learning

I know this has been asked before in different ways, however, I am interested in something with a degree of clarity and focus not found in other questions. What I am looking to get is a list of the ...
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Software for implementing Quantum Machine Learning

I want to have a software product specifically suited for Quantum Machine Learning. Please help me with a list of software product which has been designed specifically for implementing Quantum Machine ...
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Problem with circuit composer results tab

I'm trying to run a simulation of the following circuit: on the ibmq_qasm_simulator, but it only shows the "Circuit diagram" without the "Circuit Implementation" and "Results tab". Did someone had ...
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Tensored vs ordinary measurement mitigation runtime

My experiments show that the runtime of actually applying the measurement filter matrices to circuit execution results is much slower for tensored mitigation than ordinary mitigation. Tensored ...
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Running HHL tutorial on real backend

I tried to follow the HHL tutorial. Since the 8x8 problem is not realistically simulable (I stopped after a few minutes), I tried to make it run on another backend, starting on the easiest example: <...
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0 answers

Number of Shots always 1024/or nothing (IBM q experience)

I have been running some simple "Hello Quantum World" code and every time I try to run it on 4096 shots or 8192 shots, the results always show as if I ran the code on 1024 shots (or in the most recent ...
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0 answers

How to run quantum SVM algorithm from Qiskit in real IBM Quantum Computer using IBMQ?

I'm trying to run QSVM algorithm in IBMQ experience, want to run in one of those real quantum computers. ...
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0 answers

How to get historical calibration data for mthree (M3) from IBM Quantum devices?

I'm using mthree in Batch mode. A batch needs to be queued before it can be executed. The time when a batch was executed can be obtained from the IBM Quantum Platform site, so I would like to obtain ...
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Reference recommendation for research in quantum algorithm and quantum machine learning?

I have finished reading Nielson and Chuang and am interested in doing research in quantum algorithm and quantum machine learning. Are there any references that introduce these topics at research level?...
1 vote
0 answers

Performance of quantum annealing systems vs gate based ones

Quantum annealers like D-Wave can be used to solve Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO) which is a NP Hard problem (see here) while gate based quantum computers, like the ones created by ...

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