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Questions tagged [applications]

For questions asking about applications of quantum computers to solve practical problems.

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Are there any instances of the "Lights Out" puzzle only solvable with square-root-of-NOT gates?

TL/DR: Can we solve a classically unsolvable instance of "Lights Out" when the lightbulbs neighboring the switch that we flip see a $\sqrt X$ gate, instead of being fully negated? If so, ...
Mark Spinelli's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Could a quantum walk easily traverse Rush-Hour type puzzles?

I was staring at a Rush-Hour type puzzle recently and I began to wonder if any such puzzles are amenable to a continuous-time quantum walk. The entrance and exit vertex are well-defined; at each stage ...
Mark Spinelli's user avatar
1 vote
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Can Wang's effective resistance algorithms be used on Graph Isomorphism related problems?

Given a large, oracularly defined graph $\Gamma=(V,E)$, Guoming Wang has a paper describing a couple of quantum algorithms for the neat problem of determining the effective resistance between two ...
Mark Spinelli's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Anything in between quadratic and exponential speedups?

Question There exist a handful of proven quadratic quantum speedups (some examples include [1-3]) and even a few proven exponential quantum speedups (some examples include [4-6]). But there seems to ...
sheesymcdeezy's user avatar
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What are problems so computationally difficult that they'll likely only be solved with quantum computers? [duplicate]

Of course, there are the exceedingly well-known examples of this, eg. breaking RSI encryption, possibly protein folding, etc. What are some more obscure or overlooked ways that the greater computing ...
Nurdick's user avatar
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How useful is it to know the ground state energy of an arbitrary $k$-local Hamiltonian, if Nature herself can never find such energy?

We know that the $2$-local Hamiltonian problem is (promise) QMA-complete, which under the reasonable assumption that BQP$\subsetneq$QMA implies that no fast quantum algorithm exists to determine the ...
Mark Spinelli's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Are there any uses for Shor's algorithm other than breaking public key cryptography

This question may be slightly opinion based, so I apologise if this is the incorrect place to ask. My question is, is there any use for Shor's integer factorisation algorithm other than for breaking ...
Adrien Amour's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What are the practical applications of quantum computing in engineering by the year 2030?

Are there any engineering problems that quantum computing can solve or simulate, and demonstrate a real advantage over conventional computing by the year 2030? My primary interest is in the business ...
Max's user avatar
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Can we easily find the ground states for one-dimensional ANNNI-like Ising models?

The Hamiltonian for a simple one-dimensional Ising model on a finite (linear) chain of $L$ spin-half particles might be: $$H = -J \sum_{i=0}^{L-1} \sigma_i^z \sigma_{i+1}^z.\tag{1}$$ The interactions ...
Mark Spinelli's user avatar
4 votes
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Is the Clifford hierarchy particularly useful beyond the third-level?

It is well known that the first three levels of the Clifford hierarchy (over $n$-qubits) $C_1, C_2, C_3, \dots, C_n, \dots $ correspond to $$C_1 \equiv \text{Pauli group}$$ $$C_2 \equiv \text{Clifford ...
R.W's user avatar
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Is an application of the growth of the number of $k$-dimensional stabilser codes known, where $k \ge 1$?

For the case when $k=0$, that is, when the stabiliser code is (in fact) a stabiliser state, then many applications are known. Some of them are listed below. Resource theory of magic: measures of ...
Tanmay Singal's user avatar
1 vote
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Solve sudoku using Grover's algorithm

The Qiskit tutorial shows the application of Grover's Algorithm to solve a 2x2 sudoku. However, I don't understand how why its diffuser works as intended. Precisely, why the control bit is on a "...
Yili's user avatar
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3 votes
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Why is the triangle finding problem important?

I keep seeing in the literature that the triangle problem can be solved using the quantum walk algorithm. There is plenty of mathematical detail (eg. Magniez et al.'s paper), but I don't get why it's ...
Medulla Oblongata's user avatar
-1 votes
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Applications of quantum computers after they become cheap enough and reliable enough as a binary computer

Let's say in the near future Quantum Computers are as cheap as a high-end gaming PC or maybe Quantum Computing module that can work reliably when plugged into a PCI slot at a price similar to a high-...
AgoRodrigo's user avatar
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Absolute value of a BQM: how to substitute it with constraint?

I need to build an expression for the objective to be minimized which is based on the L1-norm. For doing this, I need to take the absolute value of a BQM, which is not possible, at least at the moment ...
Roland's user avatar
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How to add constraints to a BQM?

BQM is unconstrained by definition. I need to submit a knapsack problem with two constraints (equality constraints + inequality constraints) to a quantum annealer (DWaveSampler). How would you set the ...
Roland's user avatar
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Why does method to_bqm not maintain variables order?

When converting to bqm with .compile().to_bqm(), the original order of the variables is not maintained. To reproduce: ...
Roland's user avatar
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5 votes
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If you had a 1000 qubit NISQ machine with arbitrary connectivity, what would you do?

Many current devices are constrained to nearest neighbor connectivity or small system sizes, but suppose that a NISQ machine with 99-99.5% level two-qubit gate fidelities and arbitrary connectivity ...
shixian105's user avatar
4 votes
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Are there some review papers of quantum combinatorical optimization problem and their application?

I'd like to get recommendations for review paper summarized for combinatorical optimization algorithm and application. Are there any papers that have been organized recently?
김재희's user avatar
2 votes
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Applications of an efficient estimation of $\langle \psi | H | \psi \rangle$ for $H$ being the Heisenberg model, and $|\psi\rangle$ an arbitrary state

I consider that $H$ is an Hamiltonian acting on $n$ qubits. It is a sum containing $Poly(n)$ $n$-qubit Pauli operators $P_i^{(k)}$ for $i=1,2,3$, such that $P_i^{(k)}$ a tensor product of $\sigma_0=\...
Marco Fellous-Asiani's user avatar
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Applications that support low fidelity qubits generated by UQCM

I am studying Universal quantum cloning machines. I have found that two imperfect clones can be generated with fidelity of 83.33%. Where can we use these imperfect clones in quantum worlds? Can we use ...
Masab Iqbal's user avatar
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How long should I run Hamiltonian simulation to roll a six-sided dice?

Introduction and Motivation Aharanov has hinted, and perhaps Aaronson has also recently echoed, that there may be many quantum algorithms to be discovered if more computer scientists were familiar ...
Mark Spinelli's user avatar
6 votes
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Could the Hamiltonian of a 2x2 Rubik's Cube be simulated with a NISQ device?

Consider the four cells on each of the six faces of the 2x2x2 Rubik's cube (the pocket cube). We can construct and simulate a quarter-turn Hamiltonian as below. $^*$ Let $\langle F_1,U_1,R_1\rangle$ ...
Mark Spinelli's user avatar
4 votes
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Is molecule simulation by quantum computing critical for drug discovery?

It is often said that the molecule simulation for drug discovery will be one of the most important applications of Quantum Computing (QC). As we all know that the entire process of new drug discovery ...
david's user avatar
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What are the getting-started-resources for quantum finance? [closed]

What are suitable books, websites or learning material you can advice to get started with quantum finance?
Markonian's user avatar
10 votes
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Can we use quantum phase estimation to learn anything about the dynamics of puzzles like the Rubik's cube?

Introduction Consider a state $\vert\psi\rangle$ such as below, which is in a superposition of a difference between a Rubik's cube in a solved state and a Rubik's cube in the "superflip" ...
Mark Spinelli's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Would quantum computers be more efficient at solving circular reference problems than classical computers?

A circular reference is when a certain value either refers to itself or a value refers to a value that refers to it. An example of a circular reference problem would be $x=f(x)$. One way to solve ...
Anders Gustafson's user avatar
5 votes
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Is VQE or one of its variations enough to help with medicine development?

One of the reasons quantum computing is often hyped in media is because of how it'll help with vaccine and medicine development. For example, this article in Financial Express and this other in ...
epelaez's user avatar
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Quantum computer speedups for classically efficient applications

I'm interested in learning about cases where a quantum computer could be used to perform tasks with only a constant (albeit large) factor of improvement in execution speed over classical computers. ...
forky40's user avatar
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Is it possible to design a Quantum Computing Advantage to deploy an application on the web?

I need to understand the frontier and practical applications of quantum computing. Is it possible to design a Quantum Computing Advantage to deploy an application on the web, such as a browser, ...
Josh's user avatar
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Claimed "potential revenue" from machine learning in 2023?

In this plot: taken from here, IonQ is claiming to have a potential application in machine learning by 2023. What applications could they have in mind? From what I understand, modern error correction ...
Steven Sagona's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

University Project - Quantum computing and it's social impact? [closed]

I was hoping to gain some insights on how I can convey to the public the ways in which Quantum Computing can have positive social impact? I'm going convey this information in an A4 sized infographic ...
Kit's user avatar
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Loading a random distribution using controlled-Y rotations

In the paper by Stamatopoulos et al., the authors say that it is possible to load a distribution on a three qubit state to obtain: In Qiskit finance this is performed using the uncertainty model ...
Deliverer's user avatar
7 votes
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What are some current applications of Quantum Computing in drug discovery? Are there any test examples of this?

I am interested in applying the power of Quantum Computing to drug discovery. Although I realize that quantum computing is limited in regards to modeling drug-like compounds and their interactions ...
Rob James's user avatar
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What are known applications of quantum sampling?

I'm inspired by [1] which clearly lays out near term applications of quantum computing: optimization, simulation and sampling. They claim that quantum sampling is likely to be the first application ...
Derek Lomas's user avatar
2 votes
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How Mature is the Tensorflow Quantum Library [closed]

Where does The Tensorflow Quantum ( TFQ ) library fall on it's maturity curve. In other words can we currently leverage the TFQ ...
Darien Schettler's user avatar
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What Are The Most Promising Real-World Applications For Quantum Machine Learning

I know this has been asked before in different ways, however, I am interested in something with a degree of clarity and focus not found in other questions. What I am looking to get is a list of the ...
Darien Schettler's user avatar
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Is quantum computing apropriate for video encoding?

Hello and sorry if the question is too layman's here. I haven't found an answer when googling. I am a programmer with some video encoding background, so I know how much energy is "wasted" on encoding....
Ondra Žižka's user avatar
3 votes
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What are the mathematical prerequisites to study machine learning on quantum computers?

Besides machine learning, quantum info theory, optimization, and statistics knowledge, what are the prerequisites to implement existing ML techniques and create new ML techniques that would work on a ...
user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Does the quantum Fourier transform have many applications beyond period finding?

(This is a somewhat soft question.) The quantum Fourier transform is formally quite similar to the fast Fourier transform, but exponentially faster. The QFT is famously at the core of Shor's ...
tparker's user avatar
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Will there be quantum to digital converters in the same way we need digital to analog converters to communicate between the 2 mediums?

I know this forum is for more technical questions... As my interest is in music, I was thinking about the nature of analog and digital mediums. And I just thought, for some reason, we have 'Quantum ...
Cosmo's user avatar
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What are some examples of applications of quantum information to other sciences?

I find looking at physical processes through the lens of quantum information science rather interesting. I know of a few applications of it: quantum computation; solid state (tensor network approach)...
Nikita Koritskiy's user avatar
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Can Quantum Voting Machine replace Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) in future?

Some countries like India are using standalone electronic voting machines (EVM) for elections. They are not interconnected, use no power cables (run on battery), no wireless cards and are secure ...
Chaitanya Reddy's user avatar
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Can we hope in the near future to have web apps running quantum algorithms in real-time?

Suppose in "near future" that we have quantum computers with thousands of qubits that can run Grover, HHL, and so on. Then, can we hope in the "near future" to have some web application that will run ...
lufydad's user avatar
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Applications of quantum computing for science popularization

I need to do some popularization of science for an event, and I would like to talk about the "best" applications of quantum computing. I know there is code-breaking (Shor algorithm), simulation of ...
Marco Fellous-Asiani's user avatar
2 votes
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Would all quantum computing research be for naught if a powerful enough quantum computer is never built?

Let's say 1000 years from now powerful quantum computers are still a matter of fiction and no useful calculations can be carried out using them. Would this mean that the entire industry of quantum ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
11 votes
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Can quantum computing contribute to the development of artificial intelligence?

I am interested how quantum computing can contribute to the development of artificial intelligence, I did some searching, but could not find much. Does somebody have an idea (or speculations)?
jennifer ruurs's user avatar
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Software for Quantum Computing

From what I read classical computing evolved so quickly because of the funding-applications cycle. Even though the cost to make denser IC's was increasing rapidly, the applications were also getting ...
Jumanji's user avatar
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13 votes
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Number of Qubits Required for Simulation of Caffeine and Penicillin Molecules

I recently read this report from BCG, which stated: For scientists trying to design a compound that will attach itself to, and modify, a target disease pathway, the critical first step is to ...
Greenstick's user avatar
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Will quantum computers be able to solve the game of chess?

Will it be possible to use quantum computing to one day solve the game of chess? If so, any estimate as to how many qubits it would require? The game of checkers has already been solved through back ...
lkessler's user avatar
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