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Unanswered Questions

140 questions with no answers
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How to measure a Bell inequality violation in IBM Q?

Note: Cross-posted on Physics SE. I made some circuit to prepare a 2 qubit state, but I am having trouble understanding how to measure Bell's inequality. I know the inequality is of the form $$|E(a,...
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Qiskit Python program cannot connect to QE API

I am just getting started with Qiskit and IBM Quantum Experience, so please forgive my newby question. I have a IBM Quantum Experience account and I generated an API token. I used the generated ...
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Understanding sources of error in 4-bit Grover's search on IBM QC

This question is similar to some others I've come across, related to why a 4-qubit implementation of Grover's search yields such poor results when run on the IBM QC compared to the 3-qubit case (...
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0 answers

Controlled Ry gate on IBM and IonQ basis gates

As far as I know the basis gates for IBM and IonQ are: IBM: ['cx', 'id', 'rz', 'x', 'sx'] IonQ: ['rx', 'ry', 'rz', 'rxx', 'id'] I used qiskit.transpile to see check how Controlled Ry gate can be ...
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0 answers

Quantum Convolutional Neural Network not producing gradients

I am trying to bulid a quantum convolutional neural network for image classification with Pennylane and Keras but the model isn't training and I keep getting the warning: WARNING:tensorflow:Gradients ...
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0 answers

Quantum Annealing on IBMQ using Qiskit-Pulse

Qiskit-Pulse is the analog level control SDK of IBMQ hardware. Is it possible to implement an adiabatic annealing protocol/algorithm on IBMQ hardware using Qiskit-Pulse? Not asking about QAOA, which I ...
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0 answers

RealAmplitudes ansatz

Does someone know why RealAmplitudes ansatz is made like this ? I can't find any research paper on it. Why does it use 4 Ry Gate for one qubit ?
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How can we compute the gradient in a Quantum RNN?

I was looking into implementing a quantum recurrent neural network (QRNN) for a project, but I have some doubts about the computation of the gradient. There are a few papers that have implemented a ...
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A path towards building quantum Computing graduation project for undergraduates

I need help. I'm a computer science student with a Data science major. I have a final graduation project this year. With that, I want to create a project in the Quantum computing field. I'm already ...
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0 answers

Calculating the Inner Product using Quantum Phase Estimation

I'm following the method laid out in (Page 23 Equations 13-23) to calculate the inner product of two amplitude embedded vectors using Quantum Phase Estimation. I'm ...
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0 answers

How to formulate QUBO as summation quadratic and linear parts of K-graph coloring problem?

While trying to understand the graph coloring problem with VQE using the QUBO Formulation mentioned section "5.2 Graph Coloring". Mentioned article prepared the QUBO directly in to matrix ...
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0 answers

Eigenvalues and energy levels of 1D Heisenberg model using real Quantum Computers?

The 1D Quantum Heisenberg model is $$H_\textrm{Heisenberg} = -~J \sum_{\langle i\ j\rangle} \hat{S}_{i} \cdot \hat{S}_{j}$$ where each spin is an operator. For simple cases, for example, a system with ...
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0 answers

How can I add custom pulse gate to the Qiskit circuit?

I tried to make my pulse and get the pulse into the circuit. But it seems not working properly. The code and the result are below. Just change the 'x' to the 'h' (hadamard) with the same piecewise ...
2 votes
0 answers

Does dedicated mode provide better results than fairshare in mid-circuit measurement?

I'm using a research account and I have a question about running circuits with (dedicated/priority mode) and without reservation (fair-share mode). From the documentation of dedicated mode, This (The ...
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0 answers

Recover qubits used in an actual computation

How do I recover from a certain job_id in the IBM backends which qubits where used? I would be interested to know if for instance, in a batch of say 50 jobs, 25 of ...

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