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How to simulate low-rank hamiltonian?

I want to implement a unitary $U\,,$ $$U=\text{exp}(-it|u\rangle\langle u|)\,,$$ where $|u\rangle$ is a known state. Are there any methods to do this efficiently?
mingo's user avatar
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Exponentiating a tensor product of operators acting on disjoint qubit registers

Consider a problem of implementing $\operatorname{e}^{i\bigotimes_j O_j}$, where all the $O_j$ terms act on disjoint sets of qubits. Assume that efficient circuits implementing individual $\...
mavzolej's user avatar
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Efficient gate executing the time evolution of a Hamiltonian using Runge-Kutta method

You can find a minimal working example below. In particular, I want to replace the scipy.linalg.expm() matrix exponential by a Runge Kutta time evolution method as ...
ANDREAS kruckenhauser's user avatar
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How to find explicit gate decomposition of a circuit implementing a unitary using HamiltonianGate()?

I'm new to Qiskit. I am trying to construct a gate from HamiltonianGate(), available on Qiskit. The Hamiltonian in question is: $$H = - \pi\delta(Z_1 - Z_2) + 2\pi J ~ \mathbf{I}_1 \cdot \...
Pratham Hullamballi's user avatar
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Excplicit Description of Hamiltonians?

The wikipedia article for Hamiltonian simulation lists two complexities: gate and query complexity. These two types of complexity refer to two different things; gate complexity is the asymptotic ...
Andrew Baker's user avatar
5 votes
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Is it possible to implement any random Hamiltonian using quantum circuit

Are there any restrictions on implementing the evolution of any random Hamiltonian? Suppose I want to implement Rabi oscillations using a quantum circuit, I initialize the state and the Hamiltonian ...
FearlessVirgo's user avatar
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How is the P function applied in QSVT for the case of Hamiltonian simulation if it only modifies singular values?

I am watching Andras Gilyen's talk on QSVT here. On one slide he mentions the core of QSVT: Given $U$--- a block encoding of matrix $A$ that has singular values $\lambda$, left singular vectors, $\...
Loic Stoic's user avatar
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How to choose values of phi for Hamiltonian simulation with Quantum Singular Value Transform?

I am reading the review, Grand Unification of Quantum Algorithms, which covers the area known as "Quantum Singular Value Transform (QSVT)." I am really trying to understand it behind the ...
Loic Stoic's user avatar
4 votes
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Efficient quantum algorithms to decompose Hessian matrices into sums of unitaries

Are there efficient quantum algorithms that given a d-sparse hessian $H \in \mathbb{C}^{N \times N}$ decompose it into a sum of unitaries (e.g. Pauli matrices)? $$H = \sum_i^q a_i U_i$$ If an ...
consthatza's user avatar
6 votes
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Is it essential to apply Quantum Singular Value transformation twice for Hamiltonian simulation?

I have been reading the paper A Grand Unification of Quantum Algorithms and I need clarification on the Hamiltonian simulation algorithm provided in the paper on page 23. . In procedure part point 2 ...
Shashi Kumar's user avatar
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How to do rotations along arbitrary multi-qubit basis

I was trying to implement Trotterization for a $k$-local Hamiltonian simulation using qiskit. For this, say I want to apply $e^{\lambda \sigma^1_z \otimes \sigma^2_z \otimes \sigma^3_z}$ (this being ...
Zee's user avatar
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Simulating the Ising-like model as a quantum circuit

We are interested in simulating the 1d Ising model Hamiltonian using a Quantum Circuit (QC). A similar question was posted before with no answers. Here we will assume, for simplicity, 3 lattice sites ...
Marion's user avatar
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Could the Hamiltonian of a 2x2 Rubik's Cube be simulated with a NISQ device?

Consider the four cells on each of the six faces of the 2x2x2 Rubik's cube (the pocket cube). We can construct and simulate a quarter-turn Hamiltonian as below. $^*$ Let $\langle F_1,U_1,R_1\rangle$ ...
Mark Spinelli's user avatar
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Eigenvalues and energy levels of 1D Heisenberg model using real Quantum Computers?

The 1D Quantum Heisenberg model is $$H_\textrm{Heisenberg} = -~J \sum_{\langle i\ j\rangle} \hat{S}_{i} \cdot \hat{S}_{j}$$ where each spin is an operator. For simple cases, for example, a system with ...
david's user avatar
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Exponentiating Pauli matrices using trapped ion native gates (single-qubit rotations + XX, YY, ZZ)

I'm wondering what are the known/good/standard ways of exponentiating Pauli terms (i.e. constructing circuits, which implement $\exp(i\alpha XIIZYI...)$) using gates supported by trapped ion quantum ...
mavzolej's user avatar
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Is there a systematic way how to generate the Hamiltonian from a given circuit?

If I have a designed circuit to solve a particular problem. Is there a systematic way how to generate the Hamiltonian from it?
César Leonardo Clemente López's user avatar
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How can I simulate Hamiltonians composed of Pauli matrices?

Suppose I want to perform the time-evolution simulation on the following Hamiltonians: $$ H_{1} = X_1+ Y_2 + Z_1\otimes Z_2 \\ H_{2} = X_1\otimes Y_2 + Z_1\otimes Z_2 $$ Where $X,Y,Z$ are Pauli ...
ZR-'s user avatar
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Is there a tool to get the quantum circuit corresponding to a sparse matrix?

If I know a sparse matrix, is there any tool that allows me to get the corresponding quantum circuit directly? If not what should I do? For example,I want to try hamilton simulation and I have the ...
Despriobaby's user avatar
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Representation of rotation operators $e^{-i\theta(I-Z_1\otimes Z_2 \otimes Z_3)}$ about arbitrary axis for $3$ qubits

I was wondering in how to interpret and represent the operator $e^{-i\theta(I-Z_1\otimes Z_2 \otimes Z_3)}$ for a 3 qubit system in a circuit using qiskit. I was thinking I could just perform an ...
César Leonardo Clemente López's user avatar
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Problem with building quantum circuit for Hamiltonian operation

In the book, Nielsen and Chuang, there is a section on quantum simulation of the quantum search algorithm. Hamiltonion operator is defined as follows- $$ H = |x\rangle\langle x| + |\psi\rangle\langle\...
viditjain08's user avatar
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Constructing a time evolution operator $e^{it H}$ for $H^2=I$

Consider a Hamiltonian $H = \sigma_x \otimes \sigma_z$ Construct the time evolution operator $U(t) = \mathrm{e}^{-\frac{iHt}{\frac{h}{2\pi}}}$ [Hint:Write down the expansion of $\mathrm{e}^x$ and use ...
Harshvardhan Chandirasekar's user avatar
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Primer for Quantum Circuits and Optimization

I am interested in studying physical systems and trying to build circuits to simulate them. Now, of course, all the systems I could try to work with at simple, toy, systems - and that's fine. ...
Enrique Segura's user avatar
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XX, YY, ZZ circuit representations?

Is there a good primer or set of lectures\examples that show entirely how to take a given matrix and developing a circuit that represents it. I am trying to implement a program to find the lowest ...
Enrique Segura's user avatar
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Compiling the Pauli-Z operator to the Rz operator for Hamiltonian simulation

I saw a tutorial on this long ago, but lost it. I know that the Pauli-Z operator compiles to Rz, but how? Here are the steps I remember: First, we have to solve for $U(t)$ in the Schrodinger equation ...
ahelwer's user avatar
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Ansatz Techniques to Multi-Body Physics Problems

I have been reading this paper: I am wondering: is it possible to use the idea behind quantum circuits to build classical Hamiltonians represented in the same way?...
Enrique Segura's user avatar
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Quantum Optimization via Quantum Label Classification in Quantum Circuits

I have been reading Farhi and Neven's paper on quantum neural networks on quantum circuits. I also found an example - albeit not ideal as pointed out by a couple of users - thank you - in here. ...
Enrique Segura's user avatar
7 votes
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Simulating a 3-local Hamiltonian Term

This may be a fairly basic question, but in Nielsen & Chuang, the following circuit is given for simulating $\exp\left(-i\Delta t Z_1 \otimes Z_2 \otimes Z_3\right)$: which uses an ancilla qubit ...
Paradox's user avatar
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29 votes
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Circuit construction for Hamiltonian simulation

I would like to know how to design a quantum circuit that given a Hermitian matrix $\hat{H}$ and time $t$, maps $|\psi\rangle$ to $e^{\frac{i\hat{H}t}{\hbar}} |\psi\rangle$ with $\hbar =1$. Thank you ...
Gradius's user avatar
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How are two different registers being used as "control"?

On page 2 of the paper Quantum Circuit Design for Solving Linear Systems of Equations (Cao et al.,2012) there's this circuit: It further says: After the inverse Fourier transform is executed on ...
Sanchayan Dutta's user avatar