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user2533488's user avatar
user2533488's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
5 votes

Prove that if Kraus operators of $\Phi$ form an ONB then $\Phi$ is the replacement map

3 votes

Smallest qudit error correcting/detecting codes

2 votes

Finding Fusion Matrix for simple non-abelian anyon model

1 vote

Degenerated vs non degenerated code: for both there always exist Kraus bringing to different orthogonal subspaces?

1 vote

Do the parity matrices of $\text{CSS}(C_1, C_2)$ and $\text{CSS}_{u,v}(C_1, C_2)$ need to be same and the Number of Distinct Equivalent Descriptions?

1 vote

Translation by $s \in G$ is diagonal in the Fourier basis

1 vote

Identity for linear codes and their duals: why do we have $\sum_y (-1)^{x\cdot y}=|C|\delta_{x\in C^\perp}$?

1 vote

Why can Pauli errors $E$ be decomposed as $E=T(S)LG$ with $T(S)$ "pure errors"?

1 vote

Stabilizers of higher dimensional maximally entangled state of non-$2^k$ dimension

1 vote

A question on dimensions of the basis vectors for the $[[6,4]]$ code

-1 votes

Why do completely positive maps satisfy ${\rm Tr}[\Psi(\rho)_++\Psi(-\rho)_+]\leq{\rm Tr}[\Psi(\rho_+)]+{\rm Tr}[\Psi((-\rho)_+)]$?