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Is the closest diagonal state to a given state always the dephased original state?

This question is about the following optimization problem: Given some density matrix $\rho\in\mathbb C^{n\times n}$ find the diagonal state which is closest to it in trace norm. More precisely, find $...
Frederik vom Ende's user avatar
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Why is the trace distance between two density matrices not always $0$?

If $|A|_{tr}=Tr(\sqrt{A^\dagger A})$ then surely $$ |\rho_1-\rho_2|_{tr}=Tr(\sqrt{(\rho_1-\rho_2)^\dagger (\rho_1-\rho_2)}) $$ $$ =Tr(\sqrt{(\rho_1^\dagger -\rho_2^\dagger)(\rho_1-\rho_2)}) $$ $$ =Tr(\...
mrepic1123's user avatar
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If states are close together does there always exist a channel close to the identity mapping one to the other?

Question: Given states $\rho,\omega\in\mathbb C^{n\times n}$ and $\varepsilon>0$ such that $\rho$ and $\omega$ are $\varepsilon$-close in trace norm does there exist a channel $\Phi$ with $\Phi(\...
Frederik vom Ende's user avatar
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Is it true that $|r_i-s_i| \le 1/2$ for all $i$, where $r_i$ and $s_i$ are the eigenvalues of density matrices $\rho$ and $\sigma$?

In Nielsen and Chuang's Box 11.2: Continuity of the entropy, in the process of proving the Fannes' inequality, it says: A moment’s thought shows that $\left|r_i − s_i\right| \le 1/2$ for all i, The ...
Guangliang's user avatar
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Upper bounding the trace distance between a noisy and noiseless quantum state

Consider a quantum state $$ \rho = \begin{pmatrix} \rho_{00} & \rho_{01} \\ \rho_{10} & \rho_{11} \\ \end{pmatrix}. $$ Now, consider the effect of the amplitude damping noise $\mathcal{N}$ of ...
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How to prove the strong convexity of the trace distance?

On page $408$ of Nielsen & Chuang in the step going from equation $(9.48)$ to $(9.49)$, I don't see how: $$\sum\limits_i (p_i - q_i)tr(P \sigma_i) \leq D(p_i, q_i)$$ I proceed as follows: $$\sum\...
Sam's user avatar
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Given an orthogonal projection $\Pi$, is $\|\Pi(\sigma-\rho)\Pi\|_1\le\|\sigma-\rho\|_1$ true?

Suppose I have an arbitrary orthogonal projector $\Pi$ and two density operators $\rho, \sigma$. Is it true that: $$ ||\Pi (\sigma - \rho) \Pi||_1 \le || \sigma - \rho ||_1 $$ where $||\cdot||_1$ ...
NYG's user avatar
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Helstrom Measurement when two quantum states are close

I've been reading a paper about Entangled-quantum GAN (see this PDF) and wondering why descriptions below Eq.(3) in the paper are in fact true. To summarize the description, suppose we have two ...
user19468's user avatar
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Closeness of $\rho$ such that $\text{Tr}(|\psi\rangle\langle\psi|\rho)\le1/2^n+{\cal O}(2^{-2n} )$ for all $|\psi\rangle$ to the maximally mixed state

Consider an $n$ qubit density matrix $\rho$ such that $$\text{Tr}(|\psi\rangle\langle \psi| ~\rho) \leq \frac{1}{2^{n}} + \mathcal{O}\left(\frac{1}{2^{2n}} \right), $$ for every $n$ qubit pure state $|...
BlackHat18's user avatar
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How to find the distance between a given $\rho$ and the nearest pure state(s)?

I have a $d$-dimensional state $\rho$. Is there any way to find the (possibly not unique) trace distance to the nearest pure state: $$ \min_{|\psi\rangle} \,\,\lVert \rho - |\psi\rangle\langle \psi| \...
forky40's user avatar
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How can we upper bound the norm of a partial trace?

Suppose we have the normalised states $|\phi_{1}\rangle,|\phi_{2}\rangle \in A \otimes B$ where $A$ and $B$ are $d$-dimensional complex vector spaces. Suppose $|\langle\phi_{2}|\phi_{1}\rangle| < ...
user07's user avatar
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Trace distance of two classical-quantum state with hashing

Let's say I have a classical-quantum(cq) state $\rho_{XE}$, where the classical part $(X)$ is orthogonal. It's trace distance from another uniform density operator is defined to be: $$ \frac{1}{2}||\...
QuestionEverything's user avatar
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Trace distance bound after partial trace

Let's say I have a pair of states among three parties Alice(A), Bob(B) and Eve(E), $\rho_{ABE}$ and $\rho_{UUE}$ where the first two parties hold uniform values U.} I know that the trace distance ...
QuestionEverything's user avatar
6 votes
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Prove that $\|p^{\otimes n} - q^{\otimes n}\| \leq n \|p-q\|$ for density operators $p,q$

I've been trying to figure this out for a while and I'm totally lost. My goal is to show that for two density operators $p$, $q$, that $$||p^{\otimes n} - q^{\otimes n}|| \leq n ||p-q||$$ So far ...
Confused grad student's user avatar