With reference to question how to implement CCH gate I easily realized that CH gate can be implemented with $\mathrm{Ry}$ gates and $\mathrm{CNOT}$ followingly:
Note $\theta = \frac{\pi}{4}$ for first $Ry$ gate and $\theta = -\frac{\pi}{4}$ for second one.
However, when I put $\mathrm{CH}$ gate implemented on IBM Q to circuit, a transpiled circuit has this form:
So, the first circuit has only two one qubit gates whereas the second one has six such gates. If I understand it correctly, any single qubit gate is on IBM Q eventually replaced by $\mathrm{U3}$ gate with respective parameters.
It seems to me that the second circuit is unnecessary complex.
Is there any reason why to implement $\mathrm{CH}$ gate in such way or am I missing something?
gates, rather it contains those gates shown. I am not sure why this would be though. $\endgroup$u2
gates. $\endgroup$