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Unanswered Questions

631 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
13 votes
0 answers

Does the Curry-Howard correspondence have a quantum-specific type system?

In Wikipedia we can read that the Curry–Howard correspondence is a correspondence between formal proof calculi and type systems for models of computation. In particular, it splits into two ...
11 votes
0 answers

Anti-symmetrization on the lattice

Assume, I'm using a system of qubits to simulate a fermionic system. If I'm using the second-quantized formalism (e.g. orbitals in quantum chemistry), the anti-symmetric nature of the fermionic wave ...
9 votes
0 answers

Is there a BQP algorithm for each level of the polynomial hierarchy PH?

This question is inspired by thinking about quantum computing power with respect to games, such as chess/checkers/other toy games. Games fit naturally into the polynomial hierarchy $\mathrm{PH}$; I'm ...
8 votes
0 answers

Are there any known or obvious practical applications for good solutions to the optimal polynomial intersection problem?

I learned from Aaronson's blog about a recent preprint by Jordan, Shutty, Wootters, (our very own) Zalcman, Schmidhuber, King, Isakov, and Babbush that provides an efficient quantum algorithm to give ...
8 votes
1 answer

Enforcing a particular layout mapping in Qiskit

I would like to ask how to set a particular layout during transpiling. I guess that the layout can be set by the initial_layout parameter in the transpiler. However,...
8 votes
0 answers

Better "In-Place" Amplification of QMA

$\def\braket#1#2{\langle#1|#2\rangle}\def\bra#1{\langle#1|}\def\ket#1{|#1\rangle}$ In MW05 the authors demonstrate so-called "in-place" amplitude amplification for QMA, exhibiting a method for Arthur ...
8 votes
0 answers

How can blackholes be fast information scramblers?

I noticed that there was already a post discussing the fast scrambling property of black holes. But it seems no satisfactory answer was given. As mentioned by L. Susskind et. al, the fast scrambling ...
8 votes
0 answers

Are non-secret-based quantum money mini-schemes susceptable to Jogenfors' "reuse attack?"

Aaronson and Christiano call public-key or private-key quantum mini-schemes $\mathcal M$ secret-based if a mint works by first uniformly generating a secret random classical strings $r$, and then ...
8 votes
0 answers

Requirements for Achieving a Quantum Speedup

We usually talk about the power of a quantum computer by examining the separation between sets of gates that we know we can efficiently simulate on a classical computer (i.e. problems in the class BPP)...
7 votes
0 answers

Run VQE for parametrized quantum circuit with ancilla qubits

Let's say we have the following circuit (picture and code shown below), and now the $q_0$ is an ancilla qubit. If the system of interest has only two qubits, Is there a way to use only $q_{1,2}$ as my ...
7 votes
0 answers

If we could only get two-qubit tomography as an output, what algorithms are possible

According to the circuit model, the output for a quantum computation on $n$ qubits is an $n$-bit string. But what if we instead got a full two qubit tomography for all $n(n-1)$ pairs of qubits? This ...
6 votes
0 answers

Is amplitude estimation optimal?

Amplitude estimation requires $O(1/\epsilon)$ measurements if we want to estimate an amplitude to absolute precision $\epsilon$. Is this optimal? Why can't we do better than this? I'm trying to see if ...
6 votes
0 answers

Why is lattice-based cryptography believed to be hard to solve for quantum computers?

Lattice-based cryptography is said to be the main contender for a post-quantum cryptography framework. It's thought that instead of having to switch everything over to QKD, post-quantum algorithms can ...
6 votes
0 answers

Weak Schur sampling and state distinguishability

Consider the task of distinguishing between the following two $n$ qubit quantum states. $$ \rho = \frac{\mathbb{I}}{2^{n}}.$$ $$ \sigma = \frac{1}{2^{n/2}}\sum_{x \in \{0, 1\}^{n/2}} |x\rangle\langle ...
6 votes
0 answers

Postselection and hardness of estimating amplitudes

Let $A$ be a class of quantum circuits such that \begin{equation} \text{Post}A = \text{Post}BQP, \end{equation} where $\text{Post}$ indicates post-selection. Is only this amount of information ...

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