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6 votes

Prove ${\rm tr}(\rho^2)={\rm tr}((\rho \otimes \rho')S)$ with $S$ the swap operator

In fact, we have a more general equality: $$ {\text Tr}(AB) = {\text Tr}((A\otimes B) S), $$ for any square matrices $A,B$. If $A = |a\rangle\langle b|$ and $B = |c\rangle\langle d|$ then $$ {\text Tr}...
Danylo Y's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the operator-sum representation of the two-qubit depolarizing channel?

As pointed out in the comments, you cannot use the one-qubit formula because something like $X\rho X$ does not make sense if $\rho$ is a 2-qubit state. In fact, for this reason the answer you based ...
Frederik vom Ende's user avatar
2 votes

Prove ${\rm tr}(\rho^2)={\rm tr}((\rho \otimes \rho')S)$ with $S$ the swap operator

You can easily prove that identity using graphical notation that depicts tensor contractions by lines: EDIT: It seems like the graphical notation is less known than I anticipated. Doesn't matter. The ...
Refik Mansuroglu's user avatar
1 vote

Writing a Density matrix in terms of the magnitude of the Bloch Vector

Not only is the missing $\frac12$ is a typo, but the squares are a typo, as well. The easiest way to see this (and to verify OP's solution) is to use the eigenvalue formula for $2\times 2$ matrices: $$...
Frederik vom Ende's user avatar

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