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4 votes

What is the operator-sum representation of the two-qubit depolarizing channel?

As pointed out in the comments, you cannot use the one-qubit formula because something like $X\rho X$ does not make sense if $\rho$ is a 2-qubit state. In fact, for this reason the answer you based ...
Frederik vom Ende's user avatar
3 votes

Invalid coefficients in Quantum Process Tomography of the Hadamard gate

The formula $(3)$ is only true when the basis $\rho_j$ is orthonormal. Indeed, to derive $(3)$, we hit both sides of $(2)$ with $\mathrm{tr}(.\rho_k)$ and use $\mathrm{tr}(\rho_j^\dagger\rho_k)=\...
Adam Zalcman's user avatar
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3 votes

Do POVM and generalized measurements really describe all possible measurements we can do on a quantum system (open dynamics)?

I would argue that your procedure does not correspond to a "measurement of system A" in an operational sense. For me, a measurement device should be able to take in a state $\rho_A$ (free to ...
Rammus's user avatar
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2 votes

Can this minus operation be implemented via a quantum channel?

Of course you can assume $\rho_1>\rho_2$ to ensure a positive output for your particular problem, but that does not change the fact that there cannot be a positive linear map $\Phi:\mathbb C^{3\...
Frederik vom Ende's user avatar
2 votes

Do POVM and generalized measurements really describe all possible measurements we can do on a quantum system (open dynamics)?

There's a few different things here, so let me try to break down a few different arguments: Why are POVMs the most general possible measurement? — I'd say POVMs are simply what you get when applying ...
glS's user avatar
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2 votes

Do POVM and generalized measurements really describe all possible measurements we can do on a quantum system (open dynamics)?

POVMs are the most general measurement as long as you insist that the probability $p_i(\rho)$ for any outcome $i$ is a linear function of $\rho$ (that is, any such linear $p_i(\rho)$ can be written as ...
Norbert Schuch's user avatar
2 votes

When performing a projective measurement on a subsystem X entangled with another system Y, can the evolution of Y be unitary?

Non existence for "forgetful" measurements Suppose after the entangling operation the state is some $\rho_{XY}$. Given a POVM $\{M_a\}_a$ we can describe the final state of system $Y$ and ...
Rammus's user avatar
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1 vote

Mathematical properties used to derive Kraus operators

You have $$\rho_{\rm in}\otimes|e_0\rangle\!\langle e_0| = (\rho_{\rm in}\otimes I)(I\otimes |e_0\rangle\!\langle e_0|) = (I\otimes |e_0\rangle\!\langle e_0|)(\rho_{\rm in}\otimes I). $$ The main &...
glS's user avatar
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