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Is quantum computation effectiveness dependent on EPR non-locality?

No, because there's no need for the hidden-variable theory to be easy to simulate. It doesn't help at all to have everything pre-determined if it's computationally expensive to follow the evolution. A ...
Mateus Araújo's user avatar
2 votes

How do I multiply a Bell state with a measurement operator?

The Bell state is shared by two parties: Alice and Bob. The measurement is performed just by Alice. So you need to know how to convert something that just Alice does into something both Alice and Bob ...
DaftWullie's user avatar
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Is there a generalized quantum teleportation for n-qubit entangled states?

As mentioned in the link shared the the OP, a simple way to extend the teleportation protocol to $n$ qubits is to basically replicate the teleportation procedure for each of the qubits. This works ...
diemilio's user avatar
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When performing a projective measurement on a subsystem X entangled with another system Y, can the evolution of Y be unitary?

Non existence for "forgetful" measurements Suppose after the entangling operation the state is some $\rho_{XY}$. Given a POVM $\{M_a\}_a$ we can describe the final state of system $Y$ and ...
Rammus's user avatar
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Is entanglement distillation possible between states of different fidelities?

In "Tetrationally Compact Entanglement Purification" I distill EPR pairs using a mix of low-error and high-error pairs. I feed high-noise EPR pairs into a low-noise EPR pair, which makes it ...
Craig Gidney's user avatar
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1 vote

What are hamiltonians in the context of quantum computing

What exactly is a Hamiltonian in the context of quantum computing? The Hamiltonian is an equation that describes how a physical system behaves. The Hamiltonian reflects the physical interactions ...
Matti Sarjala's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a generalized quantum teleportation for n-qubit entangled states?

Teleportation does not break entanglement. That means that for a general entangled state over $n$ qubits $$ (\alpha \left|{\psi}\right\rangle\otimes\left|{0}\right\rangle + \beta \left|{\psi'}\right\...
Shoham Jac's user avatar

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