There are really two different questions here.
- How can you figure out that a given output can be written as tensor product of two vectors?
This is equivalent to asking: how do you figure out whether an output is separable? For pure states, which is what you are considering, this is rather easy.
In your specific case (two qubits), you might simply notice that if $\psi=\psi^A\otimes \psi^B$ then there must be some specific relations between its elements. More specifically, in your notation, you should have $$\psi_2/\psi_1=\psi_4/\psi_3=\psi^B_2/\psi^B_1,\tag A$$
assuming $\psi_1,\psi_3,\psi^B_1\neq0$ (you should be able to work out the special cases with zeros without much difficulty).
In this way you get the value of $\psi^B_2/\psi^B_1$, which is enough to know the full $\psi^B$ remembering that it must a normalised vector.
You can similarly work out the $\psi^A$ vector.
If condition (A) is not satisfied, then you know that the output cannot be written as a product state, i.e. does not admit this kind of tensor product decomposition.
A more general technique to check for separability of pure states is to compute the entanglement entropy, which is the Von Neumann entropy of the reduced states.
Given a pure bipartite state $\psi_{ij}$ (I'm using the notation $|\psi\rangle\equiv\sum_{ij}\psi_{ij}|i,j\rangle$ and then identifying $|\psi\rangle$ with $\psi_{ij}$), the associated density matrix is $\rho_{ijk\ell}\equiv\psi_{ij}\bar\psi_{k\ell}$, and the reduced density matrix is $\rho_{ik}=\sum_j \rho_{ijkj}$, which then reads
$\rho_{ik}=\sum_j \psi_{ij}\bar \psi_{kj}.$
In the case of the output being separable, you have $\psi_{ij}=a_i b_j$ for some (normalised) vectors $a_i,b_j$, and thus
$\rho_{ik}=a_i \bar a_k$, whose entropy is zero. As it turns out, the Von Neumann entropy is zero if and only if the (pure) state is separable, and therefore this method gives you a definitive answer about the separability.
- Why is the first qubit changed if the CNOT changes only the second one?
The simple answer is that the statement "with the CNOT the control qubit is supposed to stay the same" is only true in the computational basis.
Indeed, as an example, by simply applying local Hadamard operations on the two qubits you can convert a CNOT into a CNOT in which control and target qubits are inverted. How to do this is shown for example in the Wikipedia page.