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Cliffords to Transform into Common Eigenbasis

Say I have the following Hamiltonian (given in terms of Pauli operators): \begin{equation} H=aX_1Z_2+bZ_1X_2. \end{equation} Both Pauli terms commute with each other. I want to make a measurement of $\...
Ken Robbins's user avatar
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VQE: Can I build a non-hermitian Hamiltonian with just Pauli matrices?

From the VQE paper they claim that a Hamiltonian can be expressed as a polynomial series of pauli operators (equation 1). While coding up VQE from scratch I made a function which would allow me to ...
Alexander Soare's user avatar
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How VQE is scalable if the dimension of the Pauli basis of the given Hamiltonian grows exponentially with the number of qubits?

For a given Hamiltonian operator $H$, It's possible to approximate its smallest eigenvalue using VQE. Any Hamiltonian is a Hermitian operator. Therefore, for a system with $n$ qubits, the set $S$ of ...
Ohad's user avatar
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In Variational Quantum Eigensolvers, what does "grouping Pauli operators into tensor products requiring the same post-rotations" mean?

In this paper (nature version), the authors state We group the Pauli operators into tensor product basis sets that require the same post-rotations. As a result, they have the table S2 in the suppl. ...
fagd's user avatar
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Measurement on a specific basis and proof of circuit output

I am trying to understand a proof from Practical optimization for hybrid quantum-classical algorithms. In particular, I need clarifications on how do you perform the measurement on a different basis ...
Enrico's user avatar
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Expectation value of Pauli strings for VQE

I am studying VQE and have boiled it down to a matter of determining the expectation value of Pauli strings: $$\langle H \rangle = \sum_i \alpha_i \langle\psi|\hat{P_i}|\psi\rangle.$$ I have been ...
Samuel Grund's user avatar
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Changing the Basis

I am attempting to use a VQE algorithm to find the ground state of a deuterium nucleus by applying a constructed hamiltonian to an ansatz state with one parameter created by a circuit. While I am ...
Tareq Hamarneh's user avatar
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Recovering phases in $2n$-bit binary representation of n-qubit Paulis

I am currently going through a paper discussing Pauli sampling strategies for VQE: I want to code and test their strategy. They explain how to create a circuit ...
Saturnin's user avatar