The probability that outcome $m$ associated with POVM measurement $M$ comes out after measuring state $|\psi\rangle$ can be calculated by:
The box in the Isaac and Chuang book says that $P_U$ is the probability of such outcome if $U$ operation is applied, and $P_V$ if $V$ is applied. Consequently, we want to calculate such probabilities for states:
- $|\psi_U\rangle=U|\psi\rangle$
- $|\psi_V\rangle=
Applying the definition for calculating such probabilities that I presented at the beginning, then you can obtain what you need:
- $P_U=\langle\psi_U|M|\psi_U\rangle=(U|\psi\rangle)^\dagger MU|\psi\rangle=\langle\psi|U^\dagger MU|\psi\rangle$
- $P_V=\langle\psi_V|M|\psi_V\rangle=(V|\psi\rangle)^\dagger MV|\psi\rangle=\langle\psi|V^\dagger MV|\psi\rangle$
To follow the question you gave in the comment to the answer. Postulate 3 of quantum mechanics states that those are described by a collection of measurement operators $\{M_m\}$ related with each of the outcomes $m$ that the quantum state $|\psi\rangle$ can have. Such postulate does also state that the probability to get outcome $m$ is given by
$p(m)=\langle\psi|M_m^\dagger M_m|\psi\rangle$.
POVM measurements are given by a collection of positive operators $E_m$ that fullfil that $\sum_m E_m=I$. Such operators can be related with the measument operators like
$E_m\equiv M_m^\dagger M_m$.
All this is stated in the Isaac and Chuang book on quantum computation and information that seems that you are using, so refer there for more complete details.