Consider an arbitrary $2\times 2$ matrix:
a & b \\ c & d
What does it mean to impose that $M$ is Hermitian, $M=M^\dagger$?
a=a^\star, b=c^\star,d=d^\star
By that token, $a$ and $d$ are real and, if we write $c=x+iy$ for real $x,y$, then $b=x+iy$. Thus, we can write the matrix as
M=\left(\begin{array}{cc} a & x-iy \\ x+iy & d \end{array}\right).
You can readily verify that this is the same as
All four coefficients are real.
To think about the general case of $n$ qubits, realise that we can use a basis of $x\in\{0,1\}^n$. There are diagonal terms like
a|x\rangle\langle x|
which you can show how to construct from Paulis:
Then there are terms $(a+ib)|x\rangle\langle y|+(a-ib)|y\rangle\langle x|)$. For these, use the construction
|0\rangle\langle 1|=\frac12(X+iY)
for qubits $i$ where $x_i\neq y_i$, and the same construction as for the diagonal case whenever $x_i=y_i$. It should quickly be clear that we can use just tensor products of Paulis. It might take a little more care to be clear that the imaginary components all vanish.