I have recently started with quantum computing, and I've found great book about it - Learn Quantum Computing with IBM Quantum Experience, which explains a lot of things in quite a simple language. There is a section on multi-qubit systems that explains a tensor product and gives few examples.
The book states that:
$$|\Psi\rangle= |\psi\rangle \otimes|\phi\rangle = (\alpha_0 |0\rangle+\alpha_1 |1\rangle)\otimes(\beta_0 |0\rangle+\beta_1 |1\rangle) $$
This operation results in the vector: $$\begin{pmatrix}\alpha_0\beta_0\\ \alpha_0\beta_1\\ \alpha_1\beta_0\\ \alpha_1\beta_1\\\end{pmatrix}$$
Finally, another way to state multi-qubits by their tensor product is by representing them with their product state. We'll use the same two-vector example described previously. The first is the $|00\rangle$ state:
$$|00\rangle = \begin{pmatrix}1\\0\end{pmatrix}\otimes\begin{pmatrix}1\\0\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix}1\\0\\0\\0\end{pmatrix}$$
Now it is the last equation I've a problem with. When I looked up tensor product on the Internet, everywhere it is showed that if we "tensor-multiply" 2 vectors of length $m$ and $n$, then we get a matrix of size $m \times n$, but I am getting a vector of size $4\times1$ . Am I interpreting the result wrongly, in the sense that it is not the tensor product, or that the tensor product can have different meanings or definitions?