\newcommand{\sch}[1]{\operatorname{Sch}\left( #1 \right)}
#1 =
#2 \hspace{1em} \text{if} \hspace{1em} i \le \sch{\gamma} \\
#3 \hspace{1em} \text{otherwise}
$If $\sch{\phi} = \sch{\gamma}$ then we are done because $\sch{\psi} \ge 0$ always holds for a pure state.
If $\sch{\phi} \ne \sch{\gamma}$ then let's assume that the statement of the problem does not hold, so we have:
\sch{\psi} \lt | \sch{\phi} - \sch{\gamma}| \tag{1}\label{1}
Without loss of generality we can assume that $\sch{\phi} > \sch{\gamma}$. From this we have:
\sch{\phi} > \sch{\gamma} + \sch{\psi} \tag{2}\label{2}
We can write:
\ket{\phi} = \frac{\beta}{\alpha} \ket{\gamma} -
\frac{1}{\alpha} \ket{\psi} \tag{3}\label{3}
We can write the Schmidt decomposition of $\ket{\gamma}$ and $\ket{\psi}$ as:
\ket{\gamma} = \sum_{i=1}^{\sch{\gamma}} \gamma_i \ket{a_i^{\gamma}} \ket{b_i^{\gamma}} \\
\ket{\psi} = \sum_{i=1}^{\sch{\psi}} \psi_i \ket{a_i^{\psi}} \ket{b_i^{\psi}}
Plugging these into $\eqref{3}$, we have:
\ket{\phi} = \sum_{i=1}^{\sch{\gamma} + \sch{\psi}} \delta_i \ket{a_i^{\delta}} \ket{b_i^{\delta}} \tag{4}\label{4}
\cases{\delta_i }{\frac{\beta}{\alpha} \gamma_i}{-\frac{1}{\alpha} \psi_i}\\
Now we can invoke the result of Problem 2.2 (2) from Nielsen and Chuang. This says:
Suppose $\ket{\psi} = \sum_j \ket{\alpha_j}\ket{\beta_j}$ is a representation for $\ket{\psi}$, where $\ket{\alpha_j}$ and $\ket{\beta_j}$ are (un-normalized) states for systems $A$ and $B$, respectively. Prove that the number of terms in such a decomposition is greater than or equal to the Schmidt number of $\psi$, $\sch{\psi}$.
Applying this to \eqref{4}, we obtain:
\sch{\phi} \le \sch{\gamma} + \sch{\psi} \tag{5}\label{5}
This contradicts $\eqref{2}$ which is derived from $\eqref{1}$, so we must have $\sch{\psi} \ge | \sch{\phi} - \sch{\gamma}|$.