I am referring to Nielsen and Chuang Quantum Computation and Quantum Information 10th Anniversary Edition Textbook, Chapter 8.3.
A linear operator $E_i:H_{QR}\longrightarrow H_Q $ is defined by:
$$E_i \bigg(\sum_j \lambda_j |q_j\rangle|j\rangle \bigg)\equiv \lambda_i |q_i\rangle$$
whereby $|q_j\rangle$ and $|j\rangle$ are arbitrary states of system Q and the basis of system R respectively. Define $\varepsilon$ to be the quantum operation with the operation elements {$E_i$}:
$$\varepsilon(\rho)\equiv \sum_i E_i \rho E_i^{\dagger}$$
The text went on to say:
$$\varepsilon(\rho\otimes|j\rangle\langle j'|)=\rho \space \delta_{j,j'}=tr_R(\rho\otimes|j\rangle\langle j'|)$$
Question: I do not understand how to arrive at $\delta_{j,j'}$, and what form will be the operator representation of $E_i$ take? From what I've observed, system Q and R are not entangled in the last equation and $E_i$ seems to disregard whatever $|j\rangle$ basis of system R. Help will be much appreciated.