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Winona's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
6 votes

Qiskit - difference between qasm_simulator and statevector_simulator in terms of memory and speed?

4 votes

Command errored out with exit status 1 while installing the editable env for qiskit terra

4 votes

How to code a projector operator in qiskit?

4 votes

How can I obtain transformation matrix of a quantum circuit in the Qiskit?

2 votes

How to get the CNOT error rate between 2 qubits on a given IBMQ Backend?

2 votes

What is the significance of transpiling time, validating time, in queue time and running time?

2 votes

My IBMQ job hangs forever?

1 vote

How can I run a job as offline on real hardware?

1 vote

How do I compute the fidelity on the IBM Q using qiskit without the statevector simulator?

1 vote

How many shots are executed when using the IBMQJobManager?

1 vote

How can I convert arithmetic operations in a code to quantum format?

0 votes

Which protocol does the Qiskit textbook use for Quantum Key Distribution?

0 votes

Why does job execution time vary significantly across different IBMQ Backends?

0 votes

Using the qiskit_textbook Package