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Coding a hamiltonian in qiskit

I have a hamiltonian of the form: $H=\sum_{i=1}^N Z_i Z_{i+1}-Z_NZ_1$ And another one as: $H=-\sum_{i=1}^N X_i$ I need it to it for N terms. I am a bit lost can anybody help. I tried looking for ...
Lelouch's user avatar
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Deriving the number operator in a Cooper Pair Box (CPB)

The details of my question follows closely from this source (pg 10 - 12): The standard CPB hamiltonian in charge basis is written as $$ H = 4E_{c}\...
kowalski's user avatar
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help understanding gate to hamiltonian and representation

So I have this question: Given an operator, find some Hamiltonian implementing this operator/gate. I have realized that this is a swap gate and I know the matrix for it. I also know that $U = \text{...
George's user avatar
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How can I implement a Hamiltonian which is sum of tensored pauli operators on qiskit?

I am working with a Tight Binding Hamiltonian with N sites and one orbital at each site in a closed chain. I have converted the fermionic expression to a spin expression using Jordan Wigner ...
Cheshta Joshi's user avatar
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Is there an efficient algorithm for decomposing an arbitrary Hamiltonian into Pauli strings?

Basically the title. If I have a $2^N\times 2^N$ Hamiltonian $H$ of random numbers (we can take the Hamiltonian as normalized if we want) and $N$ is an integer, is there an efficient way of writing $$ ...
Physics Penguin's user avatar