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Questions tagged [circuit-construction]

For questions about the construction of complex circuits using elementary quantum gates.

5 questions from the last 30 days
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Procedure for constructing magic state gate injection gadgets

I have a quantum computer that cannot implement the gate $U$ by itself, and needs help in the form of a magic state $|U\rangle$ held in another register. Is there a general-purpose procedure for ...
William Schober's user avatar
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Pauli Twirling not increasing Circuit depth?

This paper talks about the properties of Pauli twirling a circuit. Pauli twirling is a technique that converts arbitrary quantum noise into Pauli errors by applying random Pauli gates before and after ...
DHB's user avatar
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Linear combination of unitaries with Qiskit circuit

I'm reading the PennyLane tutorial on linear combination of unitaries (LCU) algorithm. Does Qiskit have any in-built functions that let me do the same thing? Specifically, I want to build a circuit (...
Medulla Oblongata's user avatar
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Custom Feature Map Error for VQR in Qiskit 'Input data has incorrect shape, last dimension is not equal to the number of inputs'

I am trying to use a VQR for solving a regression problem. My data has 5 features, I want to use 4 features to estimate 5th one. I made it work with ZFeatureMap but now I want to create my own feature ...
Butterworth's user avatar
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How to design quantum circuits to encode the ket to the phase?

Suppose we have a function $f:\{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1,2,\cdots,k\}$, and a unitary $U|x\rangle |0\rangle =|x\rangle|f(x)\rangle$ for $x\in \{0,1\}^n$. Now we want to design a quantum circuit from $...
QuantumQi's user avatar