In the Gates Glossary of IBM Quantum Experience it states
H gate
The H or Hadamard gate rotates the states |0⟩ and |1⟩ to |+⟩ and |−⟩, respectively. It is useful for making superpositions. As a Clifford gate, it is useful for moving information between the x and z bases.
This is followed by a picture of a Bloch sphere rotation which looks good but still does tell me nothing. Well for me as a programmer all I understood by playing around with the Hadamard gate was that I get with a 50/50 probability 0 or 1 when measuring the qubit after the Hadamard gate.
But trying to learn more the above is very confusing and I do not find anything googling either without starting to ask more questions about basic terminology.
Breaking down the quoted sentence I come up with a lot of questions: What exactly is a state of a qubit? What is the state of + and what is the state of -? Why is it important to know that this is a "Clifford gate" does this help in any way to understand the Hadamard gate? What is the x base? What is the z base? And why am I all the time confronted with math when I want to write a program? I write software since 35 years and the amount of math I needed was very limited why should I suddenly need to understand all this math theorems? I am not stupid. I could understand math but the notations in math are intimidating. I prefer to read software code no matter how nested. Single SQL queries of 1000 lines no problem.
I know these are all basic questions but I feel that they are not properly answered anywhere without the use of either incomprehensible math or other terminology inappropriately defined either. I think also that I am not the only "classical" programmer that struggles with the basics.
I appreciate any answer not using new terminology that is not defined and I prefer answers that explain math formulas. If it can only be explained with math then this is okay, but please define your notations. As a programmer I prefer terms as for(i = 1; i <= N; i++) Sum += i;
over terms like $\sum_{i=1}^n$ which look very alien to me.