Group non-membership problem:
Input: Group elements $g_1,..., g_k$ and $h$ of $G$.
Yes: $h \not\in \langle g_1, ..., g_k\rangle$
No: $h\in \langle g_1, ..., g_k\rangle$
Notation: $\langle g_1, ..., g_k\rangle$ is the subgroup generated by $g_1,...,g_k$.
Quantum proof:
The group non-membership problem is in $\mathsf{QMA}$. The idea is simple: for $\mathcal{H} = \langle g_1, ..., g_k\rangle$, the quantum proof that $h\in \mathcal{H}$ will be the state
$$|\mathcal H\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{|\mathcal H|}}\sum_{a\in \mathcal{H}} |a\rangle.$$
I think the idea of the proof is that if $|h\rangle$ can be shown to be orthogonal to $|\mathcal H\rangle$ then it would imply that that $h \not\in \mathcal{H}$. Otherwise, $h\in \mathcal{H}$. But how exactly are we supposed to assign quantum states (i.e. the $|a\rangle$'s) corresponding to the elements of $\mathcal{H}$? Do we need to assign separate binary strings to all the elements of the group generated by the elements of $G$, such that they can be represented by qubit systems?
And if we do assign such binary strings a priori, wouldn't it be much simpler to directly (classically) check whether the string assigned to $h$ matches with any of the strings corresponding to the elements of $\mathcal{H}$? I can't really see the speed advantage here. Could someone clarify this "quantum" proof?
Note: All quotes are from John Watrous - Quantum Complexity Theory (Part 2) - CSSQI 2012 (timestamp included).