I would like to know if there is a "nice" way to parametrize the set of $n$-qubit CPTP map?
I guess I could parametrize it by using the channel state duality (to every CPTP I can attribute a density matrix). Then I can parametrize an arbitrary density matrix (an $n$-qubit density matrix can be written with $n-1$ eigenvalues $\in [0,1]$). Then I can map the whole density matrix space by applying an arbitrary unitary to it (and I can parametrize unitaries by saying $U=\exp(i H)$, where $H=\sum_{i} c_i P_i$, $P_i$ being Pauli and $c_i \in \mathbb{R}$ because the Hamiltonian is Hermitian).
However it would really be unpractical.
Are there some "nice" ways to represent an arbitrary $n$-qubit CPTP? I know that my question is a bit subjective (it depends on what we mean by nice).
If there are known nice representation for single and two-qubit CPTP, it would already be interesting for me.