I have a quantum state described by $N$ qubits, and I don't know anything about this quantum state except the expectation value of the single-qubit Pauli observables of the $i$-th qubit ($\langle X_i \rangle$, $\langle Y_i \rangle$ and $\langle Z_i \rangle$). Then I apply a single-qubit quantum gate $U$ to the $i$-th qubit. I know the $2\times 2$ matrix describing this quantum gate.
Is it possible to determine $\langle X_i \rangle^f$, $\langle Y_i \rangle^f$ and $\langle Z_i \rangle^f$ after the application of $U$ by knowing $\langle X_i \rangle$, $\langle Y_i \rangle$, $\langle Z_i \rangle$ and the elements of $U$?
Could it be useful to find a way to do that?