I am interested in the following Haar average over the unitary group
$D(x) = \int d\mathscr{U} ~(\mathscr{U})^{\otimes 2}(|\tilde{x}_{\mathscr{U}}\rangle\langle \tilde{x}_{\mathscr{U}}|)^{\otimes 2} (\mathscr{U}^\dagger)^{\otimes 2}$, where
$|\tilde{x}_{\mathscr{U}}\rangle = \frac{|x\rangle}{\sqrt{p_{\mathscr{U}}(x)}},$ $ p_{\mathscr{U}}(x) = \sum_i p_i ~\textrm{tr}(\mathscr{U}|x\rangle\langle x|\mathscr{U}^\dagger \rho_i),$ and $\{p_i, \rho_i\}$ is an ensemble of quantum states.
Now, following the standard approach, we consider
$V^{\otimes 2} D(x) (V^\dagger)^{\otimes 2} = \int d\mathscr{U} ~(\mathscr{U})^{\otimes 2}(|\tilde{x}_{V^\dagger\mathscr{U}}\rangle\langle \tilde{x}_{V^\dagger\mathscr{U}}|)^{\otimes 2} (\mathscr{U}^\dagger)^{\otimes 2}$, which follows from the invariance of Haar measure.
And so we find that
$(V^\dagger)^{\otimes 2} \otimes V^{\otimes 2}D(x)(V^\dagger)^{\otimes 2} \otimes V^{\otimes 2} = \int d\mathscr{U} ~(V^\dagger\mathscr{U})^{\otimes 2}(|\tilde{x}_{V^\dagger\mathscr{U}}\rangle\langle \tilde{x}_{V^\dagger\mathscr{U}}|)^{\otimes 2}((V^\dagger\mathscr{U})^{\dagger})^{\otimes 2}=D(x)$.
This means
$[D(x), (V^\dagger \otimes V)^{\otimes 2}] =0, ~~~~\forall V$. Operators that satisfy this relation are simply
$\mathbb{1}_4, ~\mathbb{1}_2 \otimes SWAP, ~SWAP \otimes \mathbb{1}_2, ~SWAP\otimes SWAP$. Taking linear combinations would allow us to work out $D(x)$.
I'm wondering if this is correct? And if this means that what we have is not a unitary design but a tensor product of two 2-designs. Note that $D(x)$ is not a homogenous polynomial in degrees of $(\mathscr{U}, \mathscr{U}^\dagger)$.