An explicit construction that you can use to apply any power of an unknown unitary $U$ for which you have a circuit, is to perform phase estimation of $U$ applied to the current state $|\psi\rangle$, apply a phase gradient to the phase estimation register where the strength of the phase estimation determins the power of the gate, then uncompute the phase estimation.
The main problem with this approach is that, in order to get good resolution on the phase angles, you may need to apply $U$ controlled by an ancilla a huge number of times.
For some operations, this is no problem at all. For example, if $U$ is the Fourier transform then you're golden because the Fourier transform has eigenvalues $1, i, -1, -i$ and each of those is a quarter turn. So you only need four applications. Also the Fourier transform squared is a simple operation, so you really only need one application to compute any fractional Fourier transform:
For other operations things are more problematic. For example, suppose you apply this estimated phase phasing technique when $U$ is the increment operation. The $n$ qubit increment operation has eigenvalues of the form $e^{k i \pi / 2^n}$. The difference between them are of order $2^{-n}$, so you need $2^n$ controlled applications to get a good enough phase estimation. If you use fewer, you will see weird looking effects like this where the construction sorta understands how to count but... not quite:
(The above circuit replaces the many controlled increments with an adder. Basically incrementing has a structure that allows you to apply high powers of it, which we call adding, and that makes the construction way cheaper than it would otherwise be. If you can apply big powers easily, you can apply tiny powers easily.)