Can we always find a set of coefficients ${k_i}$ (where not every $k_i = 0$) for a given Hamiltonian $H = \sum k_i H_i$, such that the unitary operator becomes the identity operation: $e^{-iH} = e^{i\alpha}I$, where $\alpha$ is a real phase? The $H_i$'s are given arbitrary Hermitian matrices that may or may not commute with each other.
For instance, when $H = k_1\sigma_x$, any $k_1 = n \frac{\pi}{2}, n = 1,2,3,\dotsc$ would make $e^{-iH} \propto I$. Similarly, for $H = k_1\sigma_x + k_2 \sigma_z$, one can find suitable $k_1$ and $k_2$ since $(\sigma_x + \sigma_z)^2 \propto I$. The question is whether this can be generalized to any arbitrary Hamiltonian, where $H_i$ are arbitrary Hermitian matrices. My conjecture is that this is always possible, but I'm not sure how to rigorously prove it.
Furthermore, as an extension of the question, does the property still hold when $H = H_0 + \sum k_i H_i$, where $H_0$ now has a fixed coefficient of $1$? Unlike my original question stated above, I suspect that the answer for this question is no.