$\newcommand{\expterm}[0]{\frac{-iH(t_2 - t_1)}{\hbar}} \newcommand{\exptermp}[0]{\frac{iH(t_2 - t_1)}{\hbar}}$Nielsen & Chuang (10th edition, page 82) states that $H$ is a fixed Hermitian operator known as the Hamiltonian. In exercise 2.54, we prove that if $A$ and $B$ are commuting Hermitian operators, then the following holds: $$ \exp(A)\exp(B)=\exp(A+B) \tag{1}\label{1} $$
The goal is to prove $$\exp \left[ \expterm \right] \exp \left[ \exptermp \right] = I.\tag{2}\label{2}$$ If $\expterm$ is Hermitian, then we can plug $A=\expterm$ and its Hermitian conjugate $B = \exptermp$ into \eqref{1} to prove \eqref{2}. However, I don't see why $\expterm$ is necessarily Hermitian. Take $H=I$ for example: $H$ is Hermitian but $\expterm$ is not, so we can't use \eqref{1}. Any thoughts?