In trying to understand a method outlined here (page 3, subroutine 1). Consider $$R_3 = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix} .$$ Let $A$ be a square matrix over $\mathbb{C}$. Define $X_3(A) = R_3 \otimes A + R_3^{\dagger} \otimes A^{\dagger}$, a.k.a $$X_3(A) = \begin{bmatrix} 0_n & 0_n & A \\ 0_n & 0_n & 0_n \\ A^{\dagger} & 0_n & 0_n \end{bmatrix}$$ where $0_n$ is the $n$-dimensional zero matrix. $X_3(A)$ is Hermitian, and the author refers to this as embedding $A$ in a Hermitian matrix.
Next the author makes the assumption that for two square matrices $A_1, A_2$ of the same dimension, we have access to unitary operators $e^{iX_3(A_1) \tau},e^{iX_3(A_2)\tau}$ (this is possible since $X_3(A_i)$ is Hermitian), for $t$ some "simulation time", and $n$ a positive integer designated as the number of applications. This is described in "input assumption #1" (with $\tau$ a time-parameter). In order to obtain an estimate of $e^{iX_3(A_1 + A_2)t}$ , the procedure is described as:
Procedure: Sequentially apply $e^{iA_1 t/n}, e^{iA_2 t/n}$ for a total of $n$ consecutive times , defining
$u_{add}(t) = (e^{iX_3(A_1)t/n} e^{iX_3(A_2) t/n})^n$ where the number of applications of the unitaries with $\tau = t/n$ is proportional to $n = O(t^2 / \epsilon)$, where $\epsilon$ is the error term.
From what I understand for two matrices $A,B$, $e^A e^B = e^{A+B}$ is generally true only if $A,B$ commute, so the above expression say for $n=2$ would be $ e^{iX_3(A_1)t/2} e^{iX_3(A_2)t/2} e^{iX_3(A_1)t/2} e^{iX_3(A_2)t/2}$, what I'm imagining the procedure shows is :
$ e^{iX_3(A_1)t/2} e^{iX_3(A_2)t/2} e^{iX_3(A_1)t/2} e^{iX_3(A_2)t/2} = e^{iX_3(A_1)t/2} e^{iX_3(A_1)t/2}e^{iX_3(A_2)t/2} e^{iX_3(A_2)t/2} = e^{iX_3(A_1)t} e^{iX_3(A_2)t}=e^{iX_3(A_1+A_2)t} $,
but this assumes that $X_3(A_1)$ and $X_3(A_2)$ commute? I'm also not sure what the author means by "apply" these operators.