Note: Cross-posted on Physics SE.
Hi, I'm studying the quantum phase estimation algorithm from this book: M.A. Nielsen, I.L. Chuang, "Quantum Computation and Quantum Information", Cambridge Univ. Press (2000) [~p. 221].
He defines $b$ as the integer in the range $0$ to $2^t-1$ such that $\frac{b}{2^t} $ is the best t bit approximation to $\varphi$ (the phase that we want to estimate).
From the first part of the circuit we have this state:
$$\frac{1}{2^{t/2}} \sum\limits_{k=0}^{2^t-1} e^{2 \pi i \varphi k}|k\rangle$$
Applying the inverse quantum Fourier transform we have:
$$\frac{1}{2^t} \sum\limits_{k,l=0}^{2^t-1} e^{\frac{-2\pi i k l}{2^t}} e^{2 \pi i \varphi k} |l\rangle$$
Then he define $\alpha_l$ as the amplitude of $|(b+l) \bmod{2^t}\rangle$
Then we want to bound the probability of obtaining a value of $m$ such that $|m-b|>e $
$$\sum\limits_{-2^{t-1} < l \le -(e+1)} |\alpha_l|^2 + \sum\limits_{e+1 \le l \le 2^{t-1}} |\alpha_l|^2$$
I understand the end with $e$ but not the one with $2^{t-1}$