The quantum phase estimation algorithm (QPE) computes an approximation of the eigenvalue associated to a given eigenvector of a quantum gate $U$.
Formally, let $\left|\psi\right>$ be an eigenvector of $U$, QPE allows us to find $\vert\tilde\theta\rangle$, the best $m$ bit approximation of $\lfloor2^m\theta\rfloor$ such that $\theta \in [0,1)$ and $$U\vert\psi\rangle = e^{2\pi i \theta} \vert\psi\rangle.$$
The HHL algorithm (original paper) takes as input a matrix $A$ that satisfy $$e^{iAt} \text{ is unitary } $$ and a quantum state $\vert b \rangle$ and computes $\vert x \rangle$ that encodes the solution of the linear system $Ax = b$.
Remark: Every hermitian matrix statisfy the condition on $A$.
To do so, HHL algorithm uses the QPE on the quantum gate represented by $U = e^{iAt}$. Thanks to linear algebra results, we know that if $\left\{\lambda_j\right\}_j$ are the eigenvalues of $A$ then $\left\{e^{i\lambda_j t}\right\}_j$ are the eigenvalues of $U$. This result is also stated in Quantum linear systems algorithms: a primer (Dervovic, Herbster, Mountney, Severini, Usher & Wossnig, 2018) (page 29, between equations 68 and 69).
With the help of QPE, the first step of HLL algorithm will try to estimate $\theta \in [0,1)$ such that $e^{i2\pi \theta} = e^{i\lambda_j t}$. This lead us to the equation $$2\pi \theta = \lambda_j t + 2k\pi, \qquad k\in \mathbb{Z}, \ \theta \in [0,1)$$ i.e. $$\theta = \frac{\lambda_j t}{2\pi} + k, \qquad k\in \mathbb{Z}, \ \theta \in [0,1)$$ By analysing a little the implications of the conditions $k\in \mathbb{Z}$ and $\theta \in [0,1)$, I ended up with the conclusion that if $\frac{\lambda_j t}{2\pi} \notin [0,1)$ (i.e. $k \neq 0$), the phase estimation algorithm fails to predict the right eigenvalue.
But as $A$ can be any hermitian matrix, we can choose freely its eigenvalues and particularly we could choose arbitrarily large eigenvalues for $A$ such that the QPE will fail ($\frac{\lambda_j t}{2\pi} \notin [0,1)$).
In Quantum Circuit Design for Solving Linear Systems of Equations (Cao, Daskin, Frankel & Kais, 2012) they solve this problem by simulating $e^{\frac{iAt}{16}}$, knowing that the eigenvalues of $A$ are $\left\{ 1, 2, 4, 8 \right\}$. They normalised the matrix (and its eigenvalues) to avoid the case where $\frac{\lambda_j t}{2\pi} \notin [0,1)$.
On the other side, it seems like parameter $t$ could be used to do this normalisation.
Question: Do we need to know a upper-bound of the eigenvalues of $A$ to normalise the matrix and be sure that the QPE part of the HHL algorithm will succeed? If not, how can we ensure that the QPE will succeed (i.e. $\frac{\lambda_j t}{2\pi} \in [0,1)$)?