The question about the unknown state is answered easily in the context of quantum simulation or in any algorithm in which you know the generator of the computation, but not the target state. In these cases, it is very important to find ways of predicting many properties of the state with as few measurements as possible, this is why people are looking quite thoroughly into methods for state tomography or tomography-like measurements.
As for process learning, the motivation is a little more subtle, but goes into the same direction, in principle. Suppose you perform a quantum experiment for which you know the setup, but not the outcome. In the end, you always have to measure to receive data out of the experiment. In these cases, you might want to get an efficient representation of the (unitary or possibly non-unitary) process to make the quantum-classical interface as simply accessible as possible. The same holds for quantum simulation again. If you know a compilation of the circuit you want to execute, this does not mean that you have access to the operator that is the product of all gates. For the first use case, you might want to look into this paper and for the second for instance this one.