It is known that quantum channels, being CPTP maps, map density operators to density operators. And thus, they can be seen as superoperators. Similar to operators, where eigenstates and eigenvalues can be derived, one can also define the eigen-operators $\Phi_j$ (typically, being a mixed state) and eigenvalues of quantum channels: $$\mathbb{N}(\Phi_j)=\lambda_j \Phi_j.$$
See page 3 of this lecture note for the deduction. Given these similarities between operators (e.g., Hermitian operators) and quantum channels, the question is what can we say about the properties of their eigendecomposition? Specifically, is the basis of the superoperator $\{\Phi_j\}$ a complete basis? Namely, does $\sum_j\Phi_j=I$ hold? Besides, do the elements in the basis orthogonal to each other? Here, the orthogonality may not be directly followed from the state vector, but maybe something like Hilber-Schmidt orthogonal, i.e., $\mathrm{tr}(\Phi_i\Phi_j)=\delta_{ij}$.
PS: I would be really grateful if someone could point me to some literature regarding this topic.