If I did it correctly, in an answer to a question about Bell's states preparation, I found true that:
$$CNOT \space \space (H \otimes I) \space CNOT = ( X \otimes X + Z \otimes I ) \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}$$
I ask if this is possible in general, i.e. if it's always possible write a sum of unitary gates (normalized with suitable coefficients) as an equivalent product of unitary gates, or if not to what extent this is possible anyway, for instance using non-unitary too.
I'm reading the book Quantum Computer Science and I feel stuck when the author introduces a new unitary gate giving an algebraic definition that is based on the sum of other unitary gates (or not unitary matrices), but then in an actual quantum circuit I'm not allowed to sum gates together. I have to improve my linear algebra skills to tackle questions like this.