The $ 11 $ qubit $ d=3 $ error-correcting quantum code we find here
is probably the smallest code with transversal $ T=\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & e^{i \pi/4}\end{bmatrix} $.
The code is permutationally invariant and has codewords
|\overline{0} \rangle= \sqrt{\frac{5}{16}} | D^{11}_0 \rangle + \sqrt{\frac{11}{16}} | D^{11}_8 \rangle
|\overline{1} \rangle = \sqrt{\frac{5}{16}} | D^{11}_{11} \rangle + \sqrt{\frac{11}{16}} | D^{11}_3 \rangle
where $ | D^{11}_w \rangle $ represents a normalized uniform superposition over all $ 11 $ qubit computational basis kets of weight $ w $. So $ | D^{11}_0 \rangle =|00000000000 \rangle $ while $ | D^{11}_8 \rangle $ is $ 1/\sqrt{\binom{11}{8}} $ times the uniform sum of all $ \binom{11}{8} $ many of the weight $ 8 $ basis kets. Similarly for $ | D^{11}_{11}\rangle $ and $ | D^{11}_3 \rangle $
The logical $ T $ gate for this code is implemented by $ (T^3)^{\otimes 11} $.
The code has weight enumerator
A=(1, 0, \frac{187}{10}, 0, \frac{4081}{60}, 0, \frac{3619}{20}, 0, \frac{1001}{4}, 0, \frac{6061}{12}, 0)
and dual weight enumerator
B=(1, 0, \frac{187}{10}, \frac{1265}{24}, \frac{4081}{60}, \frac{1771}{4}, \frac{3619}{20}, \frac{8371}{10}, \frac{1001}{4}, \frac{60643}{60}, \frac{6061}{12}, \frac{29149}{40})
So one can verify that the distance is 3 by observing that
A_0=1=B_0 \\
A_1=0=B_1 \\
A_2=18.7=B_2 \\
A_3=0\neq \frac{1265}{24}=B_3
A sanity check here is that the A weight enumerators should sum to $ 2^{n-k} $ (for a proof of this see Do the coefficients of the weight enumerator polynomial add up to $2^{n-k}$ for any $[\![n,k]\!]$ code?) where $ n=11 $ is the number of physical quibts and $ k=1 $ is the number of logical qubits. Similarly, the B weight enumerators should sum to $ 2^{n+k} $. We can check indeed that the weight enumerators I gave above have $ \sum_{i=0}^{11} A_i= 1024 $ and $ \sum_{i=0}^{11} B_i= 4096 $
Aside on weight enumerators: The weight enumerators of a code are defined by
A_i &= \frac{1}{(Tr(\Pi))^2} \sum_{E \in \mathcal{E}_i} Tr(E \Pi)Tr(E^\dagger \Pi) \\
B_i &= \frac{1}{Tr(\Pi)} \sum_{E \in \mathcal{E}_i} Tr( E \Pi E^\dagger \Pi)
Here $\Pi$ is the code projector and $\mathcal{E}_i$ are the Pauli errors with weight $i$. The code has at least distance $ d $ if and only if both $ A_d < B_d $ and
for all $ i \leq d-1 $.
To construct a code projector for an $ ((n,2,d)) $ with logical code words $ | \overline{0} \rangle $ and $ | \overline{1} \rangle $ the code projector $ \Pi $ is given by
\Pi= | \overline{0} \rangle \langle \overline{0} | + | \overline{1} \rangle \langle \overline{1} |