Please advise if the following short calculation of the derivative of the expectation value of an all spin Pauli-$\hat{Y}$ operator (acting on a $N$-qubit system) is consistent:
The general Ehrenfest theorem states $$\frac{d }{d t}\langle \hat{S}(t) \rangle = \bigg\langle \frac{\partial \hat{S}(t)}{\partial t} \bigg\rangle + \frac{1}{i \hbar}\langle [\hat{S}(t),\hat{H}]\rangle~~~~~~~~(*),$$ for some operator $\hat{S}$. Consider the expectation value of the all Pauli-spin $Y$ measurement operator $\hat{S}= \underbrace{\hat{Y}\otimes \cdot \cdot \cdot \otimes \hat{Y}}_{N}$ (in the Heisenberg picture) $$\big\langle\hat{S}(t)\big\rangle = \big\langle e^{i \frac{t}{2} \hat{X_{1}}}\hat{Y_{1}}e^{-i \frac{t}{2} \hat{X_{1}}}\otimes\cdot\cdot\cdot\otimes e^{i \frac{t}{2} \hat{X_{N}}}\hat{Y_{N}}e^{-i \frac{t}{2} \hat{X_{N}}} \big\rangle$$ acting on an $N$-qubit system, where the Hamiltonian is given by $\hat{H} := \sum_{l=1}^{N}\hat{X}_{l}$. Would I be correct in stating that this implies that the expectation value terms $(*)$ are given by \begin{align}\frac{\partial}{\partial t}[e^{i \frac{t}{2} \hat{X_{1}}}\hat{Y_{1}}e^{-i \frac{t}{2} \hat{X_{1}}}\otimes\cdot\cdot\cdot\otimes e^{i \frac{t}{2} \hat{X_{N}}}\hat{Y_{N}}e^{-i \frac{t}{2} \hat{X_{N}}}] = \frac{\partial}{\partial t}[e^{i t \hat{X_{1}}}\hat{Y}_{1}\otimes\cdot\cdot\cdot\otimes e^{i t \hat{X_{N}}}\hat{Y}_{N}]&\\=\underbrace{[i\hat{X}e^{i t \hat{X_{1}}}\hat{Y}_{1}\otimes\cdot\cdot\cdot\otimes e^{i t \hat{X_{N}}}\hat{Y}_{N}]+\cdot\cdot\cdot +[e^{i t \hat{X_{1}}}\hat{Y}_{1}\otimes\cdot\cdot\cdot\otimes i\hat{X}e^{i t \hat{X_{N}}}\hat{Y}_{N}] }_{N}\end{align}
using the anti-commutation of Pauli $\hat{X}$ and $\hat{Y}$ operators and then the product rule of differentiation of a tensor product. For the second term we get \begin{align}[\hat{S}(t), \hat{H}]= [e^{i t \hat{X_{1}}}\hat{Y_{1}}\otimes\cdot\cdot\cdot\otimes e^{i t \hat{X_{N}}}\hat{Y_{N}},\sum_{l}\hat{X}_{l}] = \underbrace{[e^{i t \hat{X_{1}}}\hat{Y}_{1}\hat{X_1}\otimes\cdot\cdot\cdot\otimes e^{i t \hat{X_{N}}}\hat{Y_{N}}]+\cdot\cdot\cdot +[e^{i t \hat{X_{1}}}\hat{Y_{1}}\otimes\cdot\cdot\cdot\otimes e^{i t \hat{X_{N}}}\hat{Y}_{N}\hat{X_N}] }_{N}. \end{align}
Thanks for any assistance.