I tried to implement the following circuit in the image below but with the red circled gates replaced with a unitary controlled ${e^{iAt/2}}$ and controlled ${e^{iAt/4}}$
The image came from this paper here and someone already implemented this circuit here.
The matrix A is :
And t = 2π
For ${e^{iAt/2}}$ I found that the matrix is equal to an X gate which is same as the paper.
For ${e^{iAt/4}}$ I got this matrix.
But in the paper they use U3(-pi/2,-pi/2,pi/2) as target bit and U1(3π/4) afterwards at control bit.
The unitary matrix from both qubit is something like this.(I use qiskit to find the unitary matrix)
While my ${e^{iAt/4}}$ connected with a control bit gives different unitary matrix.
Am I missing something or is there anything wrong with my ${e^{iAt/4}}$ unitary?