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For questions about exercises or passages from the popular quantum computing textbook *Quantum Computation and Quantum Information* by Michael Nielsen and Isaac Chuang.

1 vote

Do the parity matrices of $\text{CSS}(C_1, C_2)$ and $\text{CSS}_{u,v}(C_1, C_2)$ need to be...

It seems that the solution suggests that the parity check matrix of the parameterized version of the CSS codes and non-parameterized version are the same. In essence this is correct but there is a v …
user2533488's user avatar
1 vote

Identity for linear codes and their duals: why do we have $\sum_y (-1)^{x\cdot y}=|C|\delta_...

Here is another proof, which is more elementary but less enlightening. If $x \in C^{\perp}$ then $$\sum_{y\in C}(-1)^{x\cdot y} = \sum_{y\in C} 1 = |C|.$$ If $x \not\in C^{\perp}$ then there exists $z …
user2533488's user avatar