What information can we get out about the eigenvalues of a reduced density matrix knowing the eigenvalues of the original matrix?
For example, it can be proved that if all the eigenvalues of a density matrix are positive, then the eigenvalues of the reduced density matrix are positive too.
From here, it looks like knowing all the eigenvalues is a hard problem, but what information can we possibly obtain? Information about the determinant perhaps?
showed that going from maximally mixed to pure states you go from fully defined eigenvalues of $\rho^A$ to totally undefined eigenvalues of $\rho^A$ (except of course for a few basic requirements on the eigenvalues that are always satisfied). These statements can be seen as consequences of the subadditivity of the entropy: $S(\rho^A)\ge S(\rho)$. I don't know if this is the only thing that can be said about it though, I'll think about it $\endgroup$