Suppose there are three quantum registers and one classical register.
- Operand A: 3-qubit
- Operand B: 3-qubit
- Results C: 6-qubit
- Results D: 6-bit
The operand A is deterministic (user input), and the operand B is bruteforcer, while the result C is output buffer.
Since A is user input, the bit initializer is just using NOT gate depends on user preference.
In another hand, B is bruteforcer which the bit initializer is Hadamard gate that setted up for all qubits (3-qubit).
Suppose there is blackbox oracle (operator) that receive both operands as inputs and returning 6-qubit.
How do I get the highest probability of minimum binary value from such 6-qubit output that will be stored in 6-bit classical register (through measurement)?
We know that, minimum binary value of 6-qubit is |000000>
, but is it the highest probability?