Following the notation in Watrous' book, page 353, an unextendable product set in a bipartite space $\mathcal X\otimes \mathcal Y$ is a set of orthonormal product vectors of the form $$\mathcal A\equiv \{u_1\otimes v_1,...,u_m\otimes v_m\},$$ with $u_i,v_i$ unit vectors, such that
- $m< \dim(\mathcal X\otimes \mathcal Y)$ (that is, $\mathcal A$ spans a strict subspace of $\mathcal X\otimes \mathcal Y$);
- If $x\otimes y\perp \mathcal A$, then $x\otimes y=0$.
An explicit example of such a set with $m=5$ is given for $\mathbb{C}^3\otimes \mathbb{C}^3$ (Example 6.40). Is there any smaller example of such sets? In particular, does an unextendable product set exist for $\mathbb{C}^2\otimes \mathbb{C}^2$?