I think this is a good question. But the answers might depend on the precise meaning behind "exact" as even Coppersmith's improvement provides an approximate algorithm.
For example, Shor initially developed his very first algorithm for discrete logarithms over $\mathbb Z_p$ when $p-1$ is smooth - he used the quantum Turing machine model to provide an "exact" Fourier transform, and then went on to develop the general discrete logarithm and factoring algorithms, in the quantum Turing machine model, by finding an appropriately-sized smooth number over which he could apply the Fourier transform.
My understanding is that Coppersmith saw a preprint of Shor's algorithm, and recognized how to relate Cooley-Tukey's algorithm to the quantum setting. But, in his paper he keeps referring to his algorithm as an "approximate Fast Fourier Transform" algorithm, and mentions:
So the matrix entries of AFFT differ from those of FFT by a multiplicative factor of $\exp(i\varepsilon)$.
This sacrifice in precision improves over Shor's "exact" algorithm by a factor of $n$.
I would also refer to Gidney and Ekerå's paper on "how to factor 2048 bit RSA integers in 8 hours using 20 million noisy qubits", which indicates that the quantum Fourier transform can be performed semi-classically but emphasizes that the QFT is negligible compared to the modular squaring.
Surely knowing of any improvement classically over Cooley-Tukey's $\mathcal O(n\log n)$ algorithm could have an immediate implication for the quantum version, but often even doing the Hadamard test - which is $\mathcal O(1)$ - would suffice. Such a Hadamard test is morally similar to a quantum Fourier transform but with only one bit of precision.