I think the answer is:
For creating an mct that will be executed:
q = cirq.LineQubit.range(6)
mymct = cirq.ControlledGate(sub_gate=cirq.X, num_controls=3)
And for decomposing it, if you are only intersted in the operation text, there are two steps. First call decompose_multi_controlled_x. The best number of free qubits(qfree) is numcontrols -2, and will output only two ccx, with much less instructions than qiskit and much faster:
d = cirq.decompose_multi_controlled_x(c,q[target],qfree)
And then decompose each ccx (TOFFOLI) to [RX,RY,RZ, X,H,CX] gates by using qiskit transpile, wich decomposes each ccx in 15 instructions.
def mymct2(qc,c,t):
qc.h (t )
qc.cx (c[1] , t )
qc.rz(-np.pi/4 , t )
qc.cx (c[0] , t )
qc.rz(np.pi/4 , t )
qc.cx (c[1] , t )
qc.rz(np.pi/4 , c[1] )
qc.rz(-np.pi/4 , t )
qc.cx (c[0] , t )
qc.cx (c[0] , c[1] )
qc.rz(np.pi/4 , c[0] )
qc.rz(-np.pi/4 , c[1] )
qc.cx (c[0] , c[1] )
qc.rz(np.pi/4 , t )
qc.h (t )
I have try it with 100 control qubits and is fast. What I did is generate the text functions (mymctN)by using the above method. This is usefful because I will execute it in my simulator "bloch computer", witch does not uses state matrixs of 2**n qubits, so it can have lot of qubits, but needs that set of instructions.