
I am trying to calculate the expressibility and entangling capability of a quantum state resulting from a circuit as defined in reference I. One of my attempts was to follow reference II which gives us some Python code using Qiskit like this:

def random_unitary(N):
        Return a Haar distributed random unitary from U(N)

    Z = np.random.randn(N, N) + 1.0j * np.random.randn(N, N)
    [Q, R] = sp.linalg.qr(Z)
    D = np.diag(np.diagonal(R) / np.abs(np.diagonal(R)))
    return np.dot(Q, D)

def haar_integral(num_qubits, samples):
        Return calculation of Haar Integral for a specified number of samples.

    N = 2**num_qubits
    randunit_density = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=complex)

    zero_state = np.zeros(N, dtype=complex)
    zero_state[0] = 1
    for _ in range(samples):
      A = np.matmul(zero_state, random_unitary(N)).reshape(-1,1)
      randunit_density += np.kron(A, A.conj().T) 


    return randunit_density
def pqc_integral(num_qubits, ansatze, size, samples):
        Return calculation of Integral for a PQC over the uniformly sampled 
        the parameters θ for the specified number of samples.

    N = num_qubits
    randunit_density = np.zeros((2**N, 2**N), dtype=complex)

    for _ in range(samples):
      params = np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi, size)
      ansatz = ansatze(params, N)
      result = execute(ansatz, 
      U = result.get_statevector(ansatz, decimals=5).reshape(-1,1)
      randunit_density += np.kron(U, U.conj().T)

    return randunit_density/samples

To create the ansatz test, reference II did:

def ansatz2(params, num_qubits): 

    params = np.array(params).reshape(1)
    ansatz = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits, num_qubits)
    ansatz.cx(0, 1)
    ansatz.rx(params[0], 0)

    return ansatz

And to instantiate:

np.linalg.norm(haar_integral(2, 2048) - pqc_integral(2, ansatz2, 1, 2048))

However, the code is not compiling and the output is:

AttributeError: 'Statevector' object has no attribute 'reshape'

My question is: does anyone know how to solve this problem? is there any other way to coherently calculate the expressibility of a circuit? I tried to use medium fidelity but had issues with sanity checks.

References: (I) https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.10876 (II) https://obliviateandsurrender.github.io/blogs/expr.html


2 Answers 2


The underlying issue from that error is that the Statevector class being returned by get_statevector() doesn't have the reshape method defined on it. Based on the code it looks like you're expecting a numpy array object instead of Statevector. A Statevector object can be used in place of a numpy array for numpy functions. So you can do something like:

np.reshape(result.get_statevector(ansatz, decimals=5), (-1,1))

or alternatively cast the statevector to an array:

np.asarray(result.get_statevector(ansatz, decimals=5)).reshape(-1,1)

either approach does basically the same thing and will let you call reshape on the statevector which should unblock you on that failure.

I didn't run the full code example though, so I can't say whether that's enough to fix everything. But that's the immediate error your


Use StateVector class to get the state vector. Then convert the Statevector into array to do matrix operations.

U = Statevector(result.get_statevector()) 
U_array = U.data.reshape(-1, 1)
U_conj_transpose = U_array.conj().T 

This would work.


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