I'm reading the seminal paper on entanglement distillation by Bennett et. al.
The idea is that Alice and Bob have $n$ identical copies of an imperfect (but pure) Bell state. The initial state is therefore:
$$ \Psi(A,B) = \prod_{i=1}^n(\cos \theta |0_A0_B \rangle + \sin \theta |1_A1_B \rangle) $$
Naturally, when you expand this out, you'll get $2^n$ terms with $n+1$ binomial coefficients. The authors state that Alice (or Bob) can perform "an incomplete Von Neuman measurement projecting the state into one of the $n+1$ orthogonal subspaces."
For the two qubit case, it's clear that Alice could perform a parity measurement on her qubits to project onto $\{|0_A0_B\rangle,|1_A1_B\rangle\}$ or $\{|0_A1_A\rangle, |1_A0_B\rangle\}$. My question is, how would you implement such a projection in the $n$ qubit case?
Detailed responses are much appreciated.