Theoretical lower bound
In contrast to the answer by Bertrand, I will assume that along with a $CNOT$ gate we have arbitrary single-qubit unitaries on our disposal. In this case, one can derive the theoretical lower bound on the number of $CNOTs$ neseccary to decompose an arbitrary $n$-qubit unitary
L:=\#\text{CNOTs} \geq \frac14\left(4^n-3n-1\right) \label{TLB}
In fact, the derivation of this bound is quite intuitive and I will sketch the proof. A general $d\times d$ unitary has $d^2$ real parameters. For $n$ qubits $d=2^n$. Single one-qubit gate has 3 real parameters. However, we can not just keep stacking 1-qubits gates like here
because any sequence of one-qubit gates applied to the same qubit can be reduced to a single one-qubit gate and hence can have no more than 3 parameters. That means, that without CNOTs we can only have 3n parameters in our circuit, 3 for each one-qubit gate. This is definitely not enough to describe an arbitrary unitary on $n$ qubits which has $d^2=4^n$ parameters.
Now, adding a single CNOT allows to insert two more 1-qubit unitaries after it, like that
At the first glance this allows to add 6 more parameters. However, each single-qubit unitary can be represented via the Euler angles as a product of only $R_z$ and $R_x$ rotations either as $U=R_z R_x R_z$ or $U=R_x R_y R_z$ (I do not specify angles). Now, $CNOT$ can be represented as $CNOT=|0\rangle\langle 0|\otimes I+|1\rangle\langle 1|\otimes X$. It follows that $R_z$ commutes with the control of $CNOT$ and $R_x$ commutes with the target of $CNOT$, hence they can be dragged to the left and joined with preceding one-qubit gates. So in fact each new $CNOT$ gate allows to add only 4 real parameters:
That's it, there are no more caveats. Thus, the total number of parameters we can get with $L$ CNOTs is $3n+4L$ and we need to describe a $d\times d$ unitary which has $4^n$ parameters. In fact, the global phase of the unitary is irrelevant so we only need $3n+4L \geq 4^n-1$. Solving for $L$ gives the theoretical lower bound. Pretty cool!
Exact compilation
There is an algorithm, called quantum Shannon decomposition (see paper), which gives an exact compilation of any unitary with the number of $CNOTs$ roughly twice as much as required by the theoretical lower bound.
Approximate compilation
In a couple of recent papers (ref 1, ref 2) a numerical optimization approach was explored. It was found that (at least for small qubit numbers) the theoretical lower bound can always be achieved with an exceptional fidelity (hinting that the exact compilation can also be possible). What I find especially interesting about these results is that they also generalize to limited connectivity, apparently without any overhead. For example, the number of $CNOTs$ needed to decompose a random 5-qubit unitary on a line topology (where only neighboring qubits can interact) is the same as on the fully connected topology.
Special gates
A very important disclaimer is in order here. Formally, the set of unitaries which does not have to obey the theoretical lower bound has measure zero in the space of all unitaries of a given size. However, in actual quantum algorithms most of the time only very specific gates are used (say multi-controlled gates) and those do fall in this special set where the theoretical lower bound does not apply. This means that for most multi-qubit gates of practical interest much more efficient decompositions exist.