Consider a circuit built as follows: take two ancilla states and an operator $U$ made of a series of controlled gates which act on a pure state $\rho$ as follows:
- $X$ if the ancilla is in $|00\rangle$;
- $Y$ if the ancilla is in $|01\rangle$;
- $Z$ if the ancilla is in $|10\rangle$;
- $\mathbb{I}$ if the ancilla is in $|11\rangle$.
Prepare the ancilla in the state $$|\psi\rangle_{A}=\alpha|00\rangle+\beta|01\rangle+\gamma|10\rangle+\delta|11\rangle.$$I want to find $\rho'$ using the operator-sum formalism. Using the notation $C^2_O$ for a double-controlled gate, we have \begin{equation} E_{ij}=\langle ij|C_Z^2C_Y^2C_X^2(\alpha|00\rangle+\beta|01\rangle+\gamma|10\rangle+\delta|11\rangle) \\ =\langle ij|00\rangle\alpha X+\langle ij|01\rangle\beta Y\langle ij|10\rangle\gamma Z+\langle ij|11\rangle\delta \mathbb{I}, \end{equation} so that, for example, $E_{00}=\alpha X$, $E_{00}^\dagger=\alpha^*X$. Therefore \begin{equation} \rho'=\sum_{i,j\in\{0,1\}}E_{ij}\rho E_{ij}^\dagger=|\alpha|^2X\rho X+|\beta|^2 Y\rho Y+|\gamma|^2Z\rho Z+|\delta|^2\rho. \end{equation} (as a side note: what is the standard notation to indicate a doubly controlled quantum gate?)
This model can be used to study several noisy channels. In particular, $|\alpha|^2=|\beta|^2=|\gamma|^2=p/3$ gives the so-called depolarizing channel: $$\rho'=\frac{p}{3}(X\rho X+Y\rho Y+Z \rho Z)+(1-p)\rho.$$ To see this, I should be able to write the first term as $p\mathbb{I}/2$. The problem is, I can't. I haven't tried anything fancy, just writing $$\rho=\begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{pmatrix} $$ and doing the calculations explicitly. What's the best way to show it?